
PyraMetrik 2.0 - Regain control of your fundamental stock analysis


PyraMetrik helps you regain control of your fundamental analysis.

Choose a stock, pick metrics to focus on, and the score adapts to your selection.

Take focused snapshots, visualize financial statements, and more.

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A company may look strong from one angle, but weak from another. Each metric tells a particular story. Combine a bunch of metrics, and you get a Composition. The Composition with which you view a company paints a unique picture. Profitability might suck for now. But turnover may be impressive and debt may be shrinking, and a path may be there. Or revenue may be great, but cash may be drying up. There's so much going on at a given moment. You want to be intentional about the angle you are analyzing a company from. Context is everything. That's why I built PyraMetrik.
Israt Jahan
Such a great launch. Best of luck.
@isratjahan17 Thanks Israt.
Mahin Makkhy
It looks good. But what is the new thing here?
@mahin_makkhy More fundamental ratios, customizable charts, historical metrics, and a birdseye view of a given stock.
Jacob Me Simon
This is great! Kudos
@jacob_simon4 Thanks Jacob.
Nicolas Warnee
Congrats on your launch.
@nicolas_warnee Thanks Nicolas.
Ashley Porciuncula
Genius! Congratulations on the launch!
Ghost Kitty
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@shortcipher Thanks Chris.