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Planet Explorer — Interactive global satellite images

Binoy Xavier Joy
"The goal of Planet Explorer is to enable users, both commercial and humanitarian, to browse the imagery we have and understand how it can meet their needs. We hope this will lead to more commercial partnerships and ensure humanitarian benefits are enabled. We also hope it will change the way people think about satellite imagery." More about this announcement on their blog https://www.planet.com/pulse/int...
Emmanuel Lemor
Interesting but low resolution/quality compared to other tools... so not sure the use case they are going for or whether this will stick around long term...
Brandon Partridge
Very low resolution contrary to the promise that if you create an account you will see high resolution imagery.
Lisa Dziuba
That might be useful for geographic lessons at school :)
Jason Cutler
Looks like an educational version of http://www.nearmap.com
#1 Mobile Specialist
this is brilliant!!!