An honestly more fun (and COVID-friendly) version of Cards Against Humanity, which features GIFs instead of text cards. Play with 3-8 players online. Perfect for remote work teams, quarantine hang outs, and other escapes from reality.
Hi PH world!
My family typically plays Cards Against Humanity every holiday season. Unfortunately with the pandemic, we weren't able to this year. With endless free time stuck in quarantine this Winter, I decided to build a modern-version of Cards Against Humanity that features GIF response cards, instead of text ones.
A GIF is worth 10,000 words and makes for a more hilarious version of the game IMHO.
I'm excited to share my first version of the game with this community and would love any or all of your feedback.
I'd suggest playing this game on laptop/desktop vs mobile for now and in a Zoom with friends and family (to make the game more fun). The game can support 3-8 players and up to 10 rounds in each game. It's pretty safe-for-work and more mature audiences so it makes for great remote team, friend, or family gaming time.
Hope you enjoy this. Please subscribe to the newsletter at the end of the game to stay updated on content and feature developments!
Afino Puzzles 1.0