Fredo Tan

ProtoPie 4.0 - Change the way you prototype on macOS & Windows


Interactive prototyping for the digital products of tomorrow...
with the all-new ProtoPie 4.0.
✔ Realistic, customized microinteractions
✔ Reusable interaction components
✔ Seamless import from Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD
✔ macOS & Windows
✔ iOS & Android

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Fredo Tan
As more and more design teams use ProtoPie as their go-to tool for interaction design across 90+ countries, it's time to ramp up things! After releasing multiple updates before, we felt it was time for a fresh start: a new version number, new branding, a fresh look and feel, and, of course, more features! 🎉 We proudly present to you ProtoPie 4.0 🎉 Introducing reusable interaction components! With ProtoPie, you can make any interaction you can imagine in your prototype. From simple ones... all the way to advanced, realistic and customized microinteractions. Now it's possible to reuse any interaction whenever, wherever... ultimately accelerating your prototyping workflow! ❓ What is ProtoPie? ❓ ProtoPie is the easiest highly interactive prototyping tool for designers to turn their ideas into realistic, advanced prototypes. We believe that designers should be able to make prototypes that come close to the end product they are designing for. A prototype should be about how a user interacts with your digital product. With ProtoPie, you can make highly interactive prototypes that feel like the end product. It's the only prototyping tool on macOS and Windows that covers the whole spectrum of digital products. From mobile apps to desktop apps and websites. From the in-car interface to smart-home apps. What makes ProtoPie unique? 💡 The way you make prototypes is basically the same way as you would explain things with words. Hence, the way ProtoPie works comes close to human natural language. This means a very gradual learning curve and makes ProtoPie fundamentally different. 🛠 Import your designs from Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD. 💻 macOS, Windows, iOS & Android. 🤳 Sensors in smart devices, e.g. tilt, sound, compass. All code-free. 💪 Variables, formulas, native keyboards, GIFs, videos, URL schemes etc. 📱📲 Create prototypes that can "talk" to each other across multiple devices. ProtoPie 4.0 takes highly interactive prototyping to a whole new level with an ease that no other tool offers. You can prototype more realistically and faster than ever before. No need to settle with unrealistic screen transitions and animations in non-production-ready prototypes. Let us know if you have any questions!
Nice one! How does this compare to framer X?
Fredo Tan
@louise_dwyer A lot easier, way more gradual learning curve as it's entirely code-free and close to human natural language due to the conceptual model. In terms of expressiveness, it comes close to what you can do in a coding design tool due to the plethora of triggers and responses in ProtoPie.
@louise_dwyer The output of them are surprisingly nearly identical despite Framer X being entirely React based and the other a visual code tool. (I know Fredo says code-free to sound less intimidating but I think it's a huge plus that it really does support functions, logic, etc.) The main difference is Protopie won't make you jump off a building when you get syntax errors or find an API bug.
Fredo Tan
@louise_dwyer @shuenw Thanks for the elaboration! :D
Using ProtoPie about two years, it's my favorite way of prototyping. Easy to learn, happy to work. And incredible prototypes as a result. Congratulations on releasing version 4! 🎉
Nelmer De La Cruz
It is THE ONLY prototyping tool that you'll ever need.
Fredo Tan
@nelmerr Appreciate the support!
How does this compare to Principle? Anybody used both?
@ridderingand_ I still use both and will probably continue to do so. I use Principle mostly for getting up quick low fidelity animations to demonstrate a concept or for big heavy multi screen prototype recording. I use ProtoPie for hi fidelity micro interactions or super complex prototypes that usually don’t have more than a screen or two as I’m still not a big fan of their “scenes” concept.
@uxla Interesting... can I ask why you go the Principle route for low-fi instead of native Sketch or Figma? I almost always find that's enough to "demonstrate a concept" and have only been turning to Principle when the interaction itself was crucial to the concept. So I will probably only use Protopie or Principle for interaction-heavy prototypes that require higher fidelity. And I'm just wondering if it's actually worth making the switch to Protopie.
@ridderingand_ sure. I find defining animations and movement by the screen to screen changes to be a quicker workflow for less demanding work. Principle excels at that. ProtoPie is more trigger/target focused. So that requires more thought in layer naming, grouping and layer management in general in order to take advantage of the complex trigger logic (as complex as you’re going to get via GUI). Once you get a hang of both you’ll notice that the workflows are so different that you can truly use both for their respective strengths without confusion. Now where things get really interesting is the introduction of Drama App
Jon Brennan
@ridderingand_ ProtoPie is immeasurably better than Principle, not even in the same ballpark. I found Principle severely lacking in functionality and documentation. ProtoPie is really impressive — the trigger->response pattern is simple but powerful, very little learning curve, and I can whip up super complex prototypes in minutes. It gives you practically all the control Framer Classic did, but without having to learn jank CoffeeScript. There's really no comparable prototyping tool out there. Edit: I forgot to mention the mirror tools and cross-platform support!! I'm an Android user and the companion app is flawless on both iOS and Android.
Fredo Tan
@ridderingand_ ✔ Different philosophy. Principle is more timeline-based like most of the animation tools out there. ProtoPie is interaction-focused. Hence, the conceptual model of creating interactions by putting triggers, responses and objects together. In a way that's close to human natural language. More logical, way easier to learn. ✔ With ProtoPie, you can make prototypes for any digital product. We are not bound to mobile app prototypes. From mobile apps to desktop apps and websites. From the in-car interface to smart-home apps. You can make prototypes for these in ProtoPie. ✔ Cross-platform ✔ Import from all your favorite design tools ✔ You can go more in-depth with variables, formulas, native keyboard, camera, sensors, haptic feedback, URL schemes, conditioning etc. etc. to truly create realistic, production-ready interactions, going beyond just scrolling and screen transitions in most other tools ;)
Nice tool, Just became my favorite prototyping app.
Oliver Cambrano
I just downloaded it. I will try it for a few days, but to be honest I doubt much paying $129 USD. So, I'll just be playing a little.
Fredo Tan
@oliver_cambrano1 You will not regret it if you do though ;)
Thiago Sardim
IMO the best prototype tool for windows
Andreas Carlos Freund
This is really cool. Are there any existing features or ones in the roadmap to aid with developer handoff?
Fredo Tan
@acfreund For sure, we collect all feature requests at The one about handoff may be found at
Svenn-Petter Mæhle
Love Protopie!
Hanna Welch
Thanks for useful service! It is great that you have trial version for testing ProtoPie
alireza sadeqi
powerful,growing,great support
seeing this grow from the very earliest version has been really cool. Features are thoughtfully added, and the UI itself is designed to make interactive prototyping "as easy as pie" 😉 - it's really fast and fun to use!
Gage Wright
The components feature is going to save me so much time and the rebrand is super sharp!
Briandito Priambodo
My go to prototyping tool since 2017. Great job @fredotan and Protopie team!
Fredo Tan
@briandito Thanks for the support as always :)
Victor Aldabalde
Great Job! Fantastic tool.
Ian Borla
Wow, cool work!
Any Nguyen
Opening this tool every day
Wow! Nice app!
It's look good. I'll try it!