Grega Capuder

PageSpeed Reports - Get free Google PageSpeed Reports directly to your inbox

The PageSpeed Reports app is basically what the title says. The best way to explain it is:

“Get free Google PageSpeed Reports directly to your inbox, every week”.PageSpeed Reports is

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Grega Capuder
Hi Product hunters, I hope you are having a great day :) The PageSpeed Reports app is basically what the title says. The best way to explain it is: “Get free Google PageSpeed Reports directly to your inbox, every week”. We all know, that Google looks up your page loading speed and UX when raking it for positions on certain keywords. If your site has bad PageSpeed scores, that can translate to lower rankings. If you constantly change the content on your site, maybe forget to optimize an image, then the PageSpeed score might drop. It’s always good to know, if your site is “in the green”. That’s what our reports do. Our PageSpeed email reports are short and concise. All you need to know is already packaged in the subject of the email. You will know in less then a second, if your page has good (green) score. On the other hand, if the score is low, you can open a email and see all details about your PageSpeed scores. I think it’s best, if you visit our app website, where you will also get more information about the app. If you have any kind of questions, please leave a comment below and we’ll gladly answer it. The story behind the creation of this app: We at ProteusThemes have been developing WordPress themes for more than 5 years now, but that’s not what today’s product is about. We’ve been working on something NEW ..., but that’s not what we’re going to talk about here as well :) Since our business side of the team is researching the new market for this new “secret” product, the dev team is learning new technologies. We’ve decided to use Python and Flask as our backend for the new product. Because none of us had any experience with Python, we had to hit the “books” and start learning. After a short month of learning the basics of Python and Flask, we needed a “real” project. We’ve brainstormed a few ideas, but ultimately decided, that “PageSpeed Reports” was the best one. Small enough core functionality, but has all the typical app functionality (User management, data models, API calls, email sending, background tasks, ...) 3 weeks later and here we are :) Have a great day!