Mats Forss

Prompte Smart ChatGPT Prompts - ChatGPT prompt community share and learn smart AI prompts


ChatGPT is amazing! But 99% of people don't know how to use it efficiently. Prompter solves this problem with community-shared ChatGPT prompts for any use case. Our users also share Midjourney and Stable Diffusion prompts.

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Mats Forss
I've been playing with ChatGPT since it was launched late 2022. It's an amazing tool. No doubt. But I've been struggling to get the best out of it, only using simple prompts which gives basic, repetitive results. In Twitter, Facebook and pretty much all over the social media I see these amazing results people are getting with business specific, highly-detailed prompts. But they always seem to drown under the other social media content. That's why I build Prompter. So that we would have one social platform for ChatGPT prompts. Teach and learn from each other how to better command ChatGPT for our specific needs. Here's my example post, 50 Smart SEO Prompts for ChatGPT: If you love the idea, please join Prompter, share, comment, upvote and most importantly, learn new skills that change your life or business! Please ask me questions and share feedback for the platform. Let's build this together.
Mikhail Larionov
Awesome! There definitely needs to be a better way to exchange great prompts and I as the heavy user these days totally love this!
Mats Forss
@mikhail_larionov Nailed it! Thanks for creating such a great Peerboard platform for communities.
Harjith.D. Bubber
🔌 Plugged in
Its embarassing to say it loud, but I've been tking screenshots of well worded prompts just tyo hone my skills how to put forward my queries. This is like, God sent
Mats Forss
@harjith Don't worry, I'm also screenshooting every new idea to my phone. It's a mess! Yeah, you can do so much with ChatGPT and everyday people come up with new & exciting ideas that I haven't even thought of!
Johnny Wordsworth
Love this Mats! 🚀
Mats Forss
@wordeu Thanks Johnny! Love you Promptstacks too!
Elvis Kudjoe
A community I've been waiting for since I heard of Midjourney. Now I'm sure I can start creating something. Thanks, Mats!
Mats Forss
@elvis_kudjoe Yeah, it's all about sharing those best Midjourney prompts! Please share every cool prompt you have on Prompter :)