Gui Latrova

Profly - The effortless finance tracker for busy people


Profly doesn't judge you by your expenses. Actually, it doesn't give a shit about it. Instead, it just helps you build the good habit of saving and investing by tracking your decisions with emojis.

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Gui Latrova
I don't want to spend hours of my day tracking all my expenses just to find out that I waste a lot of money having coffee and hanging out in some restaurants. It's stressful and boring 🙅‍♂️, I rather focus on how much I'm saving to encourage good behaviors instead of blaming myself for having some fun. 💡 That's why Profly focuses only on “How much you saved” and “Where did you put your money in” to help you build up the habit of saving and investing. When investing I made many mistakes driven by emotions that only took away my money 😅 . That's why Profly makes it easy for you to track your emotions and match your buy/sell decisions for any stock (TSLA, AAPL, etc) INSIDE the chart. You can see whether your decision is based on a sudden drop/hype and how it made you feel. ✨ Start your 2022 by creating good habits and by reflecting more on your decisions. FOR FREE! I'd love to hear your thoughts about Profly! Thank you for participating in my first product hunt launch! 🙇
Tiago Almeida
Great idea! I love how simple it's, definetely a different perpective that focus on positivity instead of negativity, AWESOME!