Product School
The global leader in product management training
Farbod Saraf
Future of Product Management Report 2021 — This is the best time in history to build digital products🚀
The way we build and use products is changing faster than ever before. To succeed, it’s essential to know what’s coming next. We surveyed thousands of Product leaders to distill the most important trends and insights you need to know as we enter 2021. Enjoy!
Atif Sattar
I've been trying to download but when I submit the spinner keeps spinning, I tried Safari & Chrome.
Theo Skye
@atif same. @farbodsaraf any idea when the download might be available again? Thanks!
Jorge Jiménez
@atif @theoskye Hi Guys, thanks for letting us know. Can you please try again? thanks! https://www.futureofproductmanag...
Theo Skye
@jorgejimenez1 @atif yes, unfortunately no change for me either. Still not working. Just see an infinite spinner after submitting the form and no file downloads.
Jorge Jiménez
@atif @theoskye amazing, thanks!
Aryon Sunrise Hopkins
Great resource. We are currently looking for a Product Manager at Swoop and this will help our search. I also found it helpful for our outreach to Product Managers for adoption and shared the slide that included "For vendors, the implication is clear: no integration, no consideration." with our team.
Farbod Saraf
Hey Friends! It’s my pleasure to present The Future of Product Management Report 2021 to this community. Inside, you’ll learn what we discovered when we surveyed thousands of Product leaders from companies of all types, including Google, Facebook, Netflix, Spotify, Airbnb, Uber, and many more. PMs are used to change, but there are a few things in here that’ll definitely surprise you, such as… 👩‍💻 What today’s Product Managers value most on the job 🤔 Why the C-suite may soon become the “Product Suite” 📈 What 73% of Product Managers are now looking to as the #1 driver of growth And more! Thank you to everyone who participated and helped to make this happen, big shout out to: Product School Heap Pendo Mural Mixpanel Chartio Miro Amplitude I can’t wait to hear what you think! Farbod
Deep Kakkad
Love the interactivity!
Patricia Mayo
Wow super interesting report, I was thinking to grow my career this year into the Product Management role, so this comes very handy. Thanks for sharing @farbodsaraf
Ishwar Jha
Hey, I learned some valuable insights which is certainly going to help.
Victor Duran Fernandez
Very interesting report, thank you for sharing!
Marianne Medioni
Hello @farbodsaraf ! I didn't manage to get the report. When I fill name and email, I have an endless loading state, could you help me :) ? Really want to access it
Jorge Jiménez
Hi @marianne_medioni, you have a button in the thank you page, when you click you can get immediately the report. Can you please try again?
Jesús Vivas
Looks great and helpful, I'll take a look during the day and I'll give you feedback guys
Rebecca Geraghty
Thanks for posting! Great to see this live
Bruno Velázquez
Pretty cool! Thanks for sharing @farbodsaraf
Cedric Maru
Wow packed with valuable insights thxs
Charles Miglietti
Great piece of content team -- well done!
Máximo Manuel Mendoza López
Thanks for sharing this report, very insightful
Muhammad Lawal
Akos Farago
Was looking for something like this a few days ago, thanks a lot for the insights!
Chris Vogt
Very useful
Jim Medeiros
Congrats on the launch. Loving the vision
Ali Abdollahzadeh
Very well, thanks for sharing. Wish you all the best.