Malthe Hartmann

Product Head — Get smarter about Product & Design

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Malthe Hartmann
We're back. After several iterations of going from 0.5 to 1.0 I'm incredibly proud of reaching this refined version of Product Head. The new and improved so to speak 🥳 Bi-weekly you can choose to receive the short-form content + a few rabbit holes for you internet-needs! I hope you want to test out the new format and give a bunch of feedback 💓
Amin Boulouma
👏 You did it! 💫 This is amazing! 🐦 Let's tweet together!
Nic Coates
🥳Congrats on the launch! Looking forward to receiving the first edition 💪
Shubham Pratap Singh
Congratulations on the launch!
Hugo DEVEZE 🏴‍☠️
Hey guys ! Can you tell me more about the type of content of your bi-weekly newsletter and how it can benefit product builders ?
Malthe Hartmann
@devezehugo written content mostly :)