Blake Thorne

Pages by Process Street - A free-forever knowledge base for your entire company.


Pages is a free-for-everyone knowledge base from Process Street.
Try it out! ➡️
Bring your entire company in for free, unlimited access to create, edit, and view company documentation.

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Marian Popescu
Pages is a great initiative. 70% of our workflows in Process Street are not actually workflows but they are knowledge documents, therefore 70% of our workflows are not meant to be runned, just to be read from time to time by our employees and beyond, so PAGES would be a great option for this kind of documentation. However, I've tried it and I've seen I can only add text, image and file attachments and that's it. We would like to see the same content available like in workflows, more specific : Videos, Embeded content and a sort of table of contents functionality, like the workflow steps (left pane) are. We would not switch from workflows to pages for documented content because at the moment it really feels like a downgrade. We would need to have the same rich content options like the workflows and have a table of content functionality in order to be able to switch from workflows to pages for kb content.
Blake Thorne
@marian_popescu Hey Marian! Blake from Process Street here. Thanks so much for trying out Pages and being such an avid user of Process Street. We definitely agree that there's a lot of potential for Pages and additional functionality we can build in here. And we'll certainly be adding more as we learn how folks are using Pages and what additional features are the most immediate priority. Thank you!
Herbie Porter
@marian_popescu Rest assured adding more rich text content options is on our radar. Watch this space! Thanks again for trying it out and your feedback, it's very much appreciated.
Vinay Patankar
@marian_popescu Thanks for the feedback Marian, pages will very soon support all the same content as our workflows, team is working on this hard as we speak!
Shaheed Fazal
@marian_popescu @vinayp10 I agree with @marian_popescu that it would be really great to see more flexibility. I looked into Slate and it seems it can do a lot and more than what the current workflow editor can do. The following other features would be useful: * Tables * Links to different parts of the same page * When linking workflows a tooltip to allow you to run/view it * An easier way to see version history In addition, it would be great if you could introduce some sort of employee sign off feature. At the moment, I am having to manage this separately. We really need such a feature to be able to fully migrate our quality management system to Process St
Vinay Patankar
@marian_popescu @shaheed_fazal Thanks for your feedback, yes we are working on extending the functionality of Pages! Including everything you mentioned above and a lot more ;)
Vinay Patankar
Hey Product Hunt! I'm @vinayp10, the co-founder and CEO of Process Street, sorry for the late comment here! We’ve learned a lot on our journey to make Process Street the best possible modern process management platform for teams. And despite the proliferation of wiki and notes apps, teams still need a simple, accessible way to capture and share operational knowledge. So today I’m so excited to share our newest product Pages, a free-for-everyone knowledge base for your entire team. Pages sits in the same library as Process Street Workflows, so process documentation can live right alongside your interactive workflows. That means when you’re ready to build a process into an interactive workflow, the knowledge is already there in Process Street. And we’ll never charge you a dime for Pages. Companies love to say things like “knowledge should be free,” then charge you an arm and a leg just to let you share the data that belongs to you in the first place. In contrast, Pages is a truly free knowledge base. No matter what Process Street plan you’re on - you can bring as many free users into your organization as you want, and they can view, create and edit unlimited content with Pages. This launch of Pages is just the beginning. It's an important foundation for a bigger strategy for us. We are aiming to help every business level up their process maturity. We plan to more deeply integrate Pages with Workflows in our platform, enabling teams to seamlessly weave their operational knowledge into their day-to-day execution. You can read the full announcement post here:
Ryan Myher
Ryan from Process Street here! Make sure to drop a comment on how you will be using Pages for the chance to win free Process Street merch or a free session with a Process Pro!
Blake Thorne
@ryan_myher I don't think I need anymore swag haha. BUT I'm excited on the marketing team to bring in our style and brand guides. Tons of opportunity to be more consistent by having this all in one place.
Carlos Riquelme
Copy/paste Notion?
Blake Thorne
@criquelmea Hey Carlos! Yeah, copy/paste is definitely an option from Notion of whatever tool you aim to pull content in from.
Vince Speelman
LaunchingPages was a wild ride! The most interesting technical aspect is the fact that we chose Slate as our editor framework. After a deep dive into the major players in the `content-editable` space, Slate has proven to be a flexible choice which chose the right primitives. I am really excited about the future of Pages – we're working diligently to built a product that improves the lives of our users and allows them to focus on the most important things rather than busywork. With Pages, we want to give people confidence in their work, even during learning and training phases.