Daria Nepriakhina

Problem-Solution Fit Canvas - Translate problems into solutions, that will be adopted.

Translate problems into solutions with higher chances of solution adoption probability. Get practical insights into customer situation and decision-making process.

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James O'Sullivan
Cool! Do you plan on making this a web app? Do you plan on monetizing it? I like it!
Daria Nepriakhina
@james_osullivan based on 3 upvotes on your comment (I see some "smoke" here :)) - the web app option is worth exploring. While working on the canvas, I realized that if I'd have even more data, it would be possible to identify patterns that work, auto-fill existing available solutions per market and more. This would enable entrepreneurs to move really fast and get an overview in no time. Please drop me a message if you feel like that's something you need, let's collaborate!
Daria Nepriakhina
Guys, if you have any questions about it or would like it to be explained to you personally, please feel free to contact me on Skype, Twitter, phone or email (all the contacts are on the website). I will be happy to help! :)
Daria Nepriakhina
@hoandesign it's resolved and thank you for your patience ;)
David Arnoux. Growth
We've used this across 8 teams in our growth academy. It's a beautiful mix of lean + behavioural psychology + product in one simple canvas... can't recommend it enough.
Vlad Arbatov
Useful product
Daria Nepriakhina
@vladzima I'm glad to hear this! :)
Robbert van Os
Great result @Daria and team, very clear overview and logical work flow!
Daria Nepriakhina
@robbertvanos so happy to hear this, especially from you ;)
Daria Nepriakhina
A few more interesting things / tools and you can find here http://leanmonks.com
Maxim Price
Great work. Keep these coming.
Daria Nepriakhina
@maxim_price thank you! I will :)
Braunson Yager
Super useful, I can't wait to try it out!
Thank you for this. Will be useful in interviews :)
Jitesh Chhabria
Left my contact details, but error page! :( Fix soon!
Daria Nepriakhina
@chhabria_jitesh yes, I know! We have some server issues on our side, but please sign up for updates and I will email it to you personally, I promise. Sorry for any inconvenience!
Daria Nepriakhina
@chhabria_jitesh it's resolved, and thanks for your patience ;)