Adithya Shreshti

Prisma for Android - AI that turns your photos into artwork, now on Android

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Andrey Usolt
Hey Pruduct Hunters! We've just launched Prisma on Android! Enjoy 😎
Saurabh Kumar Suman
@usoltt Do you guys do server side processing of the images?
@sksiitb @usoltt Of course, just try to use the app without internet connection :)
Eddie Ortega
@usoltt lol, was waiting for android release. Damn imitators in the play store...actually downloaded a couple of name leeches by mistake. Love this app.
Halyna Tarasenko
Prisma is over capacity :(
Rhino Maximus
Downloaded. Getting message "Prisma is over capacity - There are too many people using Prisma right now. Please wait a moment and try again" whenever I try it out.
The Rapert
The large watermark ruined it for me.
Desmond Popkowski
@therapert didn't bother to check the big list of 3 settings in the app I see?
The Rapert
@desmondzik Ha, I guess I didn't. I was looking for a purchase option to get rid of it, and totally didn't look for a setting to turn it off. Not sure I've seen that with a free app before. I stand corrected.
Adithya Shreshti
For the ones who where waiting for the android version of the app: here it is, time to show your creative artwork 😀 You guys are awesome @usoltt and team :-)
Nine Black
Downloaded!! Amazing.....pls do something about the amount of time taken for converting!!
Just moved from android to ios :P
Immediately downloaded this as soon as I saw the announcement on Instagram. Been a huge fan of the product and stoked to see it on Android. I've been Prisma-ing EVERYTHING.
Dean Perry
Great to see it's on Android but I keep getting "Prisma is over capacity" errors :(
John Kirk
Loving that it's on Android. Looks great too, but seems super slow though. Most aren't working for me.
Chad Catacchio
have tried to add a filter 3 times now (Moto G, Android 6) and all I get is the "Creating artwork" pyramid... servers getting slammed or bug?
Great app, obviously lot of dev's hard work, but pity it needs the Internet for it's primary function. :( For me it's more like a 'webapp' if server side is required to use it. Not what I expected from " on Android". I still really like what you did, so uninstalling with heavy heart. :(
Soumitra Sengupta
Was waiting for it to come on Android (already using on ipad). Somehow couldn't get it to work on my Oneplus 1 in India. Getting stuck in rendering stage.
Abhilash Jain
@usoltt @darkolorin just what everyone needed :) you guys rock
Elijah Malyshev
Awesome! Waiting Prisma for GIF & Video!
Saurabh Kumar Suman
Its not working on my Moto G3 Turbo Edition. Installed. Takes Pics. "Prism is Over Capacity"
Swaminathan Guru
Great, thanks a lot 👍😎
Aman Kumar
Really good app. I've been enjoying with Prisma............. Follow us @amankumarapps