The site builder for developers
Mateo Morris
primo — The site builder for developers
Make a website in minutes with ready-to-use components and unlock the power of code by building your own components with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Build beautiful websites, one piece at a time.
Mateo Morris
Hi Product Hunt! Making small custom websites is complicated. That’s why I built primo - a developer tool that lets you develop and manage your site visually, right from your browser. That way you can skip the drudgery of frameworks, APIs, servers, and get down to business. Some other features: - Use TailwindCSS and npm modules out of the box - Build your own library of using components to reuse across your sites - Use free, ready-to-use components from the Primo Public Library - Keep constant backups of your site tracked in your site's Github repo - Get an API endpoint for each page (e.g. about-us.json) - Invite anyone to collaborate on your site with you (developer or content editor). When you’re ready to publish, primo generates a static site that you can host anywhere (usually for free, like at Vercel and Netlify). Primo’s free and open source (built with Svelte), so if you’d like to contribute or just brainstorm with us, you’re more than welcome to join the Primo Discord. You can also follow our Twitter for updates. I hope you enjoy using primo! Mateo