Price-Calc - Charge What You're Worth-v1
Hourly Pricing Calculator for Freelancers & Agencies
Trehan Sangpriya
Price-Calc β€” Hourly pricing calculator for freelancers & agencies
Price-Calc is a price calculator that makes it easy for freelancers and agencies to charge the right amount for their services. Say goodbye to underpricing and hello to earning what you're worth!
Trehan Sangpriya
Excited to launch a new project - a simple yet powerful price calculator that helps freelancers and small business owners accurately Price their services. Check it out here: πŸ”— - We whipped this up real quick (less than 12 hours) and we’d love to hear your feedback on it. Drop a comment below and let us know what you think!
Akarsh Shrivastava
This simplifies a ton of confusion for freelancers & business owners. A game changer!