Hello, brilliant people of Product Hunt! 👋👋
This is Wojtek from PressPad. I'd like to share with you a major update of our WordPress-to-apps platform we're launching. 🙌 Help us become the product of the day ❤️
The day we launched the open beta of PressPad News was very stressful. It was not quite obvious for us whether this WordPress to App service will become popular. Will news publishers perceive it as something that increases the value of their content? And finally, if our business assumptions were even close to the product market fit?
We are building PressPad News in the lean startup manner, where the minimum viable product comes first and it’s followed by many iterations based on the market feedback.
We were wondering if that feedback will ever come?
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Finally, our publishers’ readers have started asking questions, and we noticed the nice flow of very positive reviews, that our "News apps" have been receiving. 🚀🚀🚀
Here is an example app of "Grand Prix 247", one of our very first publishers:
❤️ http://bit.ly/gp247-newsapp-exam...
❤️ http://bit.ly/gp247-newsapp-exam...
❤️ http://bit.ly/gp247-newsapp-exam...
Why News apps?
🚀 News apps improve the experience of the blog or the online magazine on mobile devices.
🚀🚀 They help publishers increase mobile retention to their content and keep readers updated about the latest articles with real-time notifications.
🚀🚀🚀 That’s more natural way of communication with mobile users than sending email newsletters — especially in the era of shrinking organic reach on Facebook.
While responsive design lets new visitors experience your website in a proper manner on the go, the branded “News” app attracts the returning ones.
The branded mobile app has the ability to stimulate loyalty building and pulling its users deeper into the conversion funnel. Many popular brands don’t make choice between responsive web design and branded mobile apps. They just use both technologies to improve mobile users retention and brand awareness.
Brands like YouTube and Buzzfeed have figured out this long time ago that mobile apps work on the deeper level of their conversion funnel. They have armed with both: a mobile app and a responsive website.
PressPad News provides the following features:
✅ Branded news apps on App Store, Google Play, and Amazon Appstore
✅ Offline reading
✅ Auto notifications about new articles
✅ Mobile Ads
✅ Paywall (closed beta - upcoming release 🔥)
✅ Easy to use control panel with analytics
✅ Google Play interaction
🙌 Thanks for your support! 👏
I am super excited to see your blog amongst our users.
❤️ Use the code ProductHunter20OFF (just use it in replying for registration confirmation email) within the next 24 hours for a life-time discount of 20% ❤️
@petros Hello Petros, thanks for this question. Yes, we have opportunity for some customizations. Most of them are related to the presentation layer of the content, and Ads. If you need some sophisticated customizations then email me at: wojtek at presspadapp.com and we'll take a look at your needs.
@wojteksz thank you. It's probably something we would need early next year for a roll out of our news/blog platform associated with our company. We have big plans for that and want to revamp it, so it'll be cool to check it out then! keep me posted.
@petros ok cool. I'll give you a heads up in December, so we can discuss details and jump start in early 2019. We can also build a demo for you right away if needed.
PressPad Apps
PressPad Apps
PressPad Apps
PressPad Apps
SaaS Friday
PressPad Apps
We use it as an extension of our company blog. It integrates with Google Analytics and provides our readers always the freshest content.
Pros:Easy to use and affordable
Cons:Hmm, there is not much. You need to have your content strategy implemented before.