Fabio Franchino

PRESENTA - Make presentations the modern way.

PRESENTA helps you to make presentations effective in no time.
It forces you to work mainly on the content of your presentation, leaving the visual aspects just a matter of setting options.
You shouldn't spend time moving element on canvas.

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Fabio Franchino
Hello friends! We've rolled out the public beta of PRESENTA, a modern presentation tool. It's meant to be a smart tool to create presentations fast, with content-first principle in mind. If you'd give PRESENTA a chance, ask anything about it!
Brad Nickel
@fabiofranchino Hey Fabio, This philosophy is what I teach to the MBA students and CEOs to whom I teach Presentation Skills. I really like what you have done and excited to see this. A couple of questions: 1. Video is critical. I am trying to upload videos, but it doesn't seem compatible with MP4s.. The file selector won't let me choose. What video formats do you allow? 2. No contact info or feedback form on the website. 3. Will you be adding an offline mode that will be able to load things like the videos, etc if there is no connecting in a location where you are presenting? I don't think PDF will work with embedded videos. Thanks and great work. Brad
Fabio Franchino
Hi @clickbrain I'd like to see something on the topic. Do you have something online? About your questions: 1. Actually I use Youtube to embed videos. I'm planning to fix the issue you mentioned though. 2. Good point! I'll fix it. 3. Offline is an issue. There are some possibilities but in any case if you embed some content from internet those won't be available. Thank you for your feedback
Brad Nickel
@fabiofranchino Thanks for the reply. Here is a link to my training deck, but as I teach my students, slides aren't for reading, they are for representing a concept that you want people to hear you talk about. This seminar is 2.5-3 hours typically, so that should help you see that content is not in the slides. https://drive.google.com/file/d/... I don't have a full video of my seminar, but thinking about putting together. Happy to discuss further if you like. Businesses and students like it, because it is very unconventional and focuses on the strategy of presenting, the psychology of persuasion, corporate politics, and other things that I believe are better things to learn than how to emote and stand. I also cover overcoming fear, keeping attention, etc. The slides with black are the ones that have videos embedded. I do a lot of video to showcase the lessons I am teaching. Offline would be huge. I know a big problem to solve, but definitely would think about it. My needs may be different than others, but nothing worse than preparing a talk and then getting to location and needing internet in order to actually present and not having it. I currently use DeckSet for my presentation tool on mac. It is markdown based.
Fabio Franchino
Hi @clickbrain, before PRESENTA I was using Deckset for my preso :) BTW you got exactly the point of PRESENTA that is about helping ppl in communicating better instead of a simple tool. Let's keep in touch and if you have further materials I'd love to check them out.
Haashir Mohammed
This is so LIT! I hope to have HTML export. How do you plan on pricing after the BETA?
Fabio Franchino
@haashirmohammed I'm curious about how you'd use the exported HTML (assuming there'll be a classical embed version for sharing purposes). About pricing, not really thought so far, there will be a free-forever tier though, no doubt.
Brad Nickel
@haashirmohammed I'd use html export for offline access. You need to be sure that even if you don't have good Internet access, you will still have what you need to present. I would want that or offline access.
Cat Hicks
Would totally use this if it had an export to PPT or similar format as we have a specific process with our docs that this would have to fit into - PDFs unfortunately aren’t enough.
Fabio Franchino
@cat_hicks Hi, if you mean "editable" PPT, I'm afraid that is not going to happen soon because the work is huge not to mention that even giants such as Apple and Google cannot fix possible inconsistency between exports.