Discover the best prefab and modular homes and manufacturers near you
Colin James Belyea

PrefabList — Find the right prefab home and manufacturer for your build

Find and compare prefab homes, tiny homes, studios, and guesthouses on the world’s most complete prefab marketplace.
Colin James Belyea
Hey everyone 👋 I’m Colin, creator of PrefabList. Last year, I became fascinated by the way the pandemic was changing how we use physical space, and particularly how we use our homes. This led me to a deep dive on prefab buildings - spaces that can be bought and set up wherever you like, with minimal site work and no construction necessary. It didn't take long to realize that I was wading into a disintegrated marketplace. It was next to impossible to compare models from the same builder, let alone between completely different manufacturers. That led me to create PrefabList - a place that helps would-be prefab buyers discover the best prefab and modular homes and manufacturers near you. It's all built with no-code tools Webflow and Jetboost. Would love any thoughts on how I can make this better and more useful. Thanks everyone! Colin -
Thank you for making this! Awesome resource. Big fan of the prefab movement!