Sanem Avcil

Powerray Underwater Drone - Robot fishing buddy you never knew you had

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Frankly, I hope this is a sinker for public use. It's totally a threat (think spooking, bumping, obstructing schools, being eaten by large mammal) to the underwater life that is already under assault by our shipping tankers and Global Climate Change. I hope that a nature group kills this one or it's found to be illegal under a mammal protection act. Just go watch a nature show on streaming or Jacque Cousteau if you want to see what's in the underworld.
ed wassermann
For underwater exploration, I’m more than sold. On the other hand, I hate the idea of giving skill-less, ruthless douchebags a foolproof tool to scavenge our oceans some more.
Sanem Avcil
The PowerRay underwater drone finds fish and films them in 4K