CK Hung

PowerChrome - A protable chromium browser for HTML/JavaScript application


PowerChrome is a portable chromium-base (cef) web browser for HTML / JavaScript desktop applications. Just code and run desktop application by html/javascript instantly.

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CK Hung
PowerChrome is a powerful and portable web browser that uses the Chromium engine to enable fast and easy development of desktop applications using HTML and JavaScript. With PowerChrome, you can quickly and easily write and run your own desktop applications, providing a seamless user experience for your users. PowerChrome provides a natural approach to HTML and JavaScript application development. It allows HTML pages to access the window shell, file system, and database, and provides additional application support through the PowerChrome JavaScript Interface (which runs in sync mode). Examples of the PowerChrome JavaScript Interface include: * Calling notepad.exe: `'notepad.exe')` * Executing a file: `'calc.exe')` * Copying a file: `pb.fileCopy(sourceFile, targetFile)` * Connecting to an Oracle database: `pb.dbConnect('O90', dbParm, dbServer, logID, logPass)` * Running a SQL query (in sync mode): `rsStr = pb.dbQuery('select * from tablename')` * Running a SQL query and converting the results to JSON: `rs = JSON.parse(pb.dbQuery(sql))` * Getting the HTML source of a page (in sync mode): `rs = pb.httpSource('https://hacker-*')` * Popup an HTML dialog: `pb.popup('sample-dialog.html', {width: 1024, height: 700})` PowerChrome offers the following features: * Portable - no installation required * Chromium-based - can use Chrome/Chromium for testing and debugging * HTML as the application format and JavaScript ES6 for programming * API that runs in sync mode - no callback or promise objects * Works with Powerbuilder for advanced functionality * Simple console support * Cloud-app enabled For more information, visit the PowerChrome GitHub page at Looking forward to your suggestion and feedback, thanks in advanced.