
Quick JSON Editor for Windows — a light and efficient JSON editor with Visual Tree View.

Quick JSON Editor contains a very useful Visual Tree JSON View that allows you to quickly look at the structure and hierarchy of a json file and directly modify the property name, type and value of each node.

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Quick JSON Editor is an easy-to-use JSON editor for Windows. With its Visual Tree View, you can easily edit the contents of a JSON node without having to care about its formatting, such as quotes, colons, character escapes, etc. And with its Visual Tree View, you can easily move a JSON node by dragging and dropping it, without having to carefully select the string it contains in the text editor and having to deal with the last node. And with its Visual Tree View, it's easy to move json nodes around by dragging and dropping, rather than having to carefully select the strings contained in a node in the text editor, and without caring whether the node text contains commas at the end. Quick JSON Editor also includes a plist format conversion feature, so that you can easily import plist format files on Windows with Quick JSON Editor, edit them, and export them as plist files. If you need to work with JSON files quickly on Windows, you could have a try with Quick JSON Editor.