Post With Me is a new social community created to be a more welcoming place to post. We encourage civil discourse and discourage nastiness all while leaving your personal data alone.
Hi PH People:
Kara here, co-founder of Post With Me. Let me tell you a little about our philosophy and why we are doing what we are doing. Post With Me (PWM) is a labor of love and has a pretty audacious goal. We quite simply want to help solve the rampant problems with social media and by extension, our society. We have five guiding principles:
-- Civility and Meaningful Content
-- Level Playing Field
-- Data Privacy
-- Healthy Use
-- Transparency and Community Involvement
We think that innovation on how to make social media less toxic and frankly fun again needs to come from the margins. The big guys have had their chance. Now is time for the people to fix it.
You can read more about our vision at
No need to sign up just to read, but we hope you like it enough to want to comment and post!
Post With Me