Bobby Anderson

Float - Bring your art to life


Animate your layers and present your art in a whole new dimension! ✨ Float transforms static and flat artworks into moving creations. Your masterpieces deserve to be shown in the most fun and engaging way.

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Gal Shir
Hey PH! I’m suuuper excited to launch Float, my latest project! 🀩 It’s a simple online app that animates your layers and present your art in a whole new dimension. ✨ You just export all your layers from any drawing/design app, upload them to Float, and your static illustration will become a moving creation! πŸ¦„ Your masterpieces deserve to be shown in the most fun and engaging way. Let me know if you have any questions, Gal
Joshua Pinter
@galgalshir Man, I thought your illustrations were unreal. Even your apps are awesome. You're a king! Great work.
Ryan Hoover
Great timing. I imagine this becoming increasingly popular as more artists start creating NFT art.
Emmanuel A. Simon
Very very cool. U need to get GIF export in there @galgalshir
Aaron O'Leary
This is pretty awesome! I've been learning Procreate for a while now and this could add some serious interest to it, love the idea of making a grid off this.
Jishai Evers
Love this! It's pretty cool how you can add some depth to designs using this - kinda makes me happy that i don't need to open after effects when I want to impress 🀣
Dusko Stamenic
Love it! πŸ‘ I checked the roadmap - blending modes and the possibility to embed the animated artwork are on the way! Looking forward to see more of these animated artworks throughout the web! πŸ”₯
Sam I am
@duskostamenic would be awesome if there was a mask feature, with floating elements behaving like shape masks, revealing different artwork or animations behind them. Would surely open up a ton of creative possibilities. I Was wondering where the roadmap is available and if it is possible to submit a feature request @galgalshir. Many thanks.
Nicely done! Love the design. Congrats on the launch.
Gad Bornstein
congrats!! Was waiting for something like this for so long :)
Clayton Parker
Okay, now this is really cool. Will for sure be checking this out!
Gabe Perez
This is amazing. I really appreciate the vid under 2 minutes, showcases how simple the tool really is, and echoing @rrhoover - think this could help a lot of artists animate their art without having to learn animation.
Isaar Tahir
Just got this! Excited to try it out!
Benoit Chambon
Very smooth! Congrats on the launch :D
Jack Davis
This is super cool! I would love to play around with this!
Kate Rusalovich
Simple UX and clear showcases! But it would be nice to offer a free period to test it (like 1 free project) before purchase.
Siddhita Upare
@galgalshir this is awesome man! it looks so fun, Congrats on the launch πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Ali Rashidy
Gal you're killing it πŸ”₯❀
Patrizia Slongo
wow! really a great product!
Rudy Arconte
Bought, this is amazing.
if you can embed the art into other websites or personal website and share a link so people can view it dude this shit is gold. it reminds of that little thing facebook does for photos. but yours is way better.