Your dog's poop in someone else's hands.
Daniel Jacob Archer
Pooper App β€” Your dog's poop in someone else's hands.
Jeff Needles
Next step: Kids.
Joe Blau
LOL, the trend of Silicon Valley startups created based on "jobs your parents used to do for you" continues.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
If it weren't against the terms, this would be a great use case for the UberRUSH API. πŸ˜‚
Felix Jung
I can see two things wrong with this business model. #2...
Kyle Richey
I think I'll go with the $35/mo unlimited plan...and I don't even have a dog, haha! All the footer links are broken, so my vote is that this is fake. I really hope so.
Simon Bromberg
"All of our Beta Scooper positions are filled, but sign up below and we'll let you know when hiring begins in your area." That was fast.
Simon Bromberg
Alternative names to consider: PooBer, Shyt
Bas Grasmayer
There's two types of people in this world: poopers, and scoopers.
James Shamenski
This massively disrupts the $0 million dollar dog poop industry.
Ben Tossell
Can anyone confirm whether this is real or in fact fake?!
Mubashar Iqbal
@bentossell It's so well done, people will join the mailing list in droves, it may well become a reality! πŸ’©πŸ’―
Ben Tossell
@mubashariqbal thats whats confusing me! And I know some pet-people are pretty wacky sometimes
Kazuya Nakamura
LOL! Seriously?!?!?!?
Priyank Patel
i have newborn twins. i think this will save me lot of money on diapers. how the hell are they going to distinguish between my kids poop vs dog's? Image recognition?
Rotem Yakir
Francis Lee
Think the people in my neighbourhood needs this badly.
Ziv Reichert
The tag 'get shit done' seems fitting
Sonya Davis
Ha! This is the best thing I've seen all day.
Adam Harms
Pretty solid satire ( I hope )
Helen Crozier
@benpeterjones they sure have! Wish they would come to PH and give us the back story πŸ’©
Michael Frye
What!? This can't be real. I can't imagine scoopers wanting to hang out in an area all day waiting to pick up shit.
Hahaha. This has got to be fake. They nailed it though. Looks like an episode of Silicon Valley was turned into a business proposition.
David Antila
Yo! for dog poop