Pomodoro meets GTD to-do app
Mitch Wainer
DigitalOcean — The easiest way for developers to deploy an SSD cloud server
Mike Murchison
Hey @mitchwainer thanks for the offer! Your link for me is just redirecting to digialocean.com though
Cihad Turhan
@mimurchison @mitchwainer Me too. But I realized he wrote this **23** days ago. Maybe they changed something since then.
Cihad Turhan
@mimurchison @mitchwainer Me too. But I realized he wrote this **23** days ago. Maybe they changed something since then.
Cihad Turhan
@mimurchison @mitchwainer Me too. But I realized he wrote this **23** days ago. Maybe they changed something since then.
Cihad Turhan
@mimurchison @mitchwainer Me too. But I realized he wrote this **23** days ago. Maybe they changed something since then.
Cihad Turhan
@mimurchison @mitchwainer Sorry for spamming. I hate this thing. The UI doesn't refresh itself so I thought it was connection error. The worst thing is, I can't delete them :(
Max Kirchoff
This is such a killer service for me. I spend considerably less and have some really reliable service and attentive support. So happy to see this here! The product interface is a beautiful mix of friendly UI on top of serious CLI stuff for the hardcore sysadmin.
Mitch Wainer
To make life easier for Product Hunters to deploy their apps online, DigitalOcean is offering 2 months free for the 512MB Droplet (cloud server) plan. Click this link to redeem.
John Edgar