Pier 🍉

Pomodoro Timer - ⏰ Simple 25-Min Pomodoro Timer App & Kanban Board :)

Pomodorotimers.com is a simple 25 minute pomodoro timer, and a Kanban board, in one web app. It's like a 25-minute pomodoro timer and Trello in one :)

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Pier 🍉
Pomodoro timers help my days become more productive. The timer gets me started and in the zone fast. I also love the visual clarity of simple to-do lists in Kanban board-form, like Trello. To do, doing, done. So, I combined those two into one: pomodorotimers.com! 🎉 I hope you enjoy the confetti after you complete a task :) Even the tiniest wins are progress and worth celebrating! Ps. Let me know your feedback and I'll implement it 🏃‍♂️💨 supafast
Ghost Kitty
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Pier 🍉
@zulkarnaim Hey Zulkar, thank you! That's so nice of you to say :) Hope it can help you!