Niv Dror

Polymail Teams - Email for team outreach and collaboration


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Brandon Foo
We started Polymail with the vision of creating the most simple, beautiful, and powerful email experience for everyone. Today, we're excited to announce the next step in our journey - Polymail Teams! Polymail Teams brings all-new features designed for team outreach, collaboration, and transparency - all from a lightweight, seamless experience built into your inbox. With Polymail Teams, you can share Message Templates with your team or view analytics on your team's outreach and open rates. With our new Campaigns feature, you can even send personalized messages to multiple recipients at once and share the live tracking activity (opens, replies, etc.) with your team! You can try Polymail Teams free for 21 days here: - we'd love your feedback! As a token of thanks to the PH community, we're also offering an exclusive discount for 25% off 1 year of Polymail Teams with the promo code PHTEAMS! πŸš€ You can upgrade at πŸ‘‰ 25% off 1 year of Polymail Teams: PHTEAMS While we're super excited to share this with you - it's still just the start of Polymail Teams. We have a ton of awesome updates coming up to make email more collaborative, integrated, and easy to use with your team, and we can wait to share them with you soon. Thanks to @nivo0o0 and the PH community for having us and see you all in the comments! πŸ’Œ
Niv Dror
Polymail has been my default email app on iPhone and Mac for over a year now. It's the best from all the various ones I've tried (and I try all the coooool ones). What really got me with this launch is the Campaigns feature, which let you send personalized messages to multiple recipients at once and view stats like open & reply rates!
Brandon Foo
@mahbod_moghadam thanks, Mahbod! πŸ’Œ
Erick Barron
I'm keeping polymail in the back burner until a Windows version gets released. So far the products look great! Seems like it's becoming a CRM.
Brandon Foo
@erickbarron86 thanks, Erick! We're working on a Windows version - you might see us back here not too long from now πŸ˜‰
Sam Kazemian
Good job guys!! I freakin' love Polymail.
Brandon Foo
@samkazemian thank you, Sam!!
Ben Shepherd
While I did have some trouble with Polymail early on, I've found that it's mostly solid now with a few exceptions (Deleting emails from Push notifications looking @ you). I recently upgraded to Pro and have found it to be very much worth the money! Hope to see more from you guys soon.
Brandon Foo
@shep_ben thanks for your support, Ben! πŸ’Œ
Catherine Jue
I use Polymail everyday and even got my boss on it.
Brandon Foo
@juecd_ thank you, Cat! 😍
John Alexander
I've been using polymail for personal email since the first beta. Big fan! However, with my team we have been using mixmax which seems to do a lot of the same things except the obvious native apps. Curious, what are some of the other differences you provide?
Brandon Foo
@johnalxndr a huge difference is that pretty much everything in Polymail is available on mobile, too (iOS for now, Android coming)! That means your team has access to all your tracking activity, shared templates, and more on both desktop and mobile apps. Feel free to ping me at and we can talk more about the benefits of moving your team to Polymail Teams! πŸ˜€
Kostya Rypta
Great tool guys
David Carpe
i've been on the edge for months - trying to figure out exactly how it beats nylas pro (paid version) - and now i see key distinctions like teams, mail merge, a real iOS app - so now i'm sucked in and gotta give it a run for the, nylas dropped some of these features in the recent update and the roadmap is a bit slower, so looks like polymail has a real edge right now. of course, no idea what happens when superhuman goes public with their release!
Erick Barron
@passingnotes I've also used Nylas but I don't like their user interface. Nylas is also open source, so that's a big plus. Polymail looks better and I think will be a better product in the future. Maybe they can open their api for developers.
David Carpe
@erickbarron86 yup, also found out that nylas is shifting all attention to their API so mail will now languish...
Big user of Polymail and I love it! Founds great too, always providing feedback to them ;)
Brandon Foo
@fredsoneya thanks, Fred! πŸ’Œ
Ratko Ivanović
I've been with Polymail from their Alpha, and this is the definitely best tool for email management - have 5 accounts and it's working seamlessly on both Mac and iPhone!
Brandon Foo
@ratkoivanovic thanks, Ratko!
I've been using it for almost a year and I love it! Highly recommendedπŸ‘
Brandon Foo
@nate_designer thanks for the kind words, Nate! πŸ’Œ
Patrick Wills
I looked at this before but got stuck with the pricing. Our team of 12 people would have to pay over $2,300 per annum. For SAAS, we look at 10y cost of ownership, thus $23,000. It's not unusual, but it makes the decision difficult.
Alex Putici
@paddy I haven't checked this out yet, but I'd use the metric of what's the return vs what's the cost. $16 per person seems like a small price to pay to be more effective, close more deals, and streamline a process.
Brandon Foo
@paddy so far all of our pilot teams have found the value well worth the money - as @alexputici suggests the cost of $16/mo per person is more than made back from the increased output/productivity of using Polymail. Of course, I'd love for you to try it with your team and hear what you think! Also, feel free to email me at - we can do custom discounts for slightly larger teams like yours. πŸ˜‰
Ben Swinford
Polymail has helped me stay a step ahead in every aspect of email. The consolidation of accounts, contact history, attachments, read receipts, templates, and a smooth interface are πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ.
Alex Clever
So, I think everybody knows about polymail and why is so good. Great job!
Brandon Foo
@axclever thanks so much, Alex! πŸ’Œ
Collin Davis
I'm a huge fan of Polymail. And what other email client's team will meet you for coffee to listen to your feedback on the app and how to make it better!? Great work guys! Once I have a "team" I'll definitely look at investing in the Teams plan.
Marco Burgin
Best email service ever!!
Ted Blosser
awesome update Polymail team!!
Brandon Foo
@ted_blosser thanks, Ted!
Jake Cohn
Incredible product! We're already relying on this heavily and it's produced results.
Brandon Foo
@leftearpod Thanks for the support, Jake! πŸ’Œ