Niv Dror

Polymail iOS - Simple, beautiful, powerful email for iOS


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Brandon Foo
Hi everyone! Thanks to @nivo0o0 and the Product Hunt team - and thanks to the Product Hunt community for your amazing support in making Polymail OS X Mac App of the Year and the 3rd most upvoted product on Product Hunt! We started Polymail with the vision of creating the most beautiful and powerful email experience across desktop and mobile. Today, we’re excited to share Polymail iOS - bringing the great features of our OS X app like Email Tracking, Contact Profiles, and Send Later to a simple, lightweight mobile experience for your iPhone and iPad! Here’s a highlight of some of Polymail iOS’s best features so far: - Per-Recipient Email Tracking - Contact Profiles + Relationship History - Read Later - Send Later - Undo Send - One-Tap Unsubscribe We’re still testing Polymail iOS in Alpha, but as a special thanks to the Product Hunt community, we’d like to share iOS Alpha invites with the first 2,000 people who sign up on our site via Product Hunt today! 🚀 Sign up for Polymail iOS: We’re also proud to announce today we’ll be officially launching Polymail OS X in Beta - we’re opening up OS X invites to everyone who signed up before, and all existing Polymail OS X users will also be getting a few OS X invites to share with their friends! Thanks again to everyone for your support - while we’re a small team, we’re working hard to make Polymail available to everyone as soon as we can 💌 Look forward to chatting with you all! - Brandon & Team Polymail
Piero Borgo
@foolywk this is awesome! Polymail quickly became my daily driver, now I feel unconfortable with others email clients on iOS, good to know polymail is coming to my pocket too! Signed up for the alpha, can't wait to test the app :)
Thibaut Davoult
@foolywk @nivo0o0 The list of feature is all I needed to know to sign up! I'm currently using Spark on iOS as a replacement for Mailbox... It's doing the job, but Polymail had me interested ever since the mac app so I'm looking forward to trying it on iOS.
Leo Vogel 🇺🇳
@foolywk @nivo0o0 Does anyone have a Polymail OS X beta invite? I'd like to try it out.
Jay McCauley
@foolywk After Mailbox said they were shutting down, I was looking everywhere for a replacement also. I've been using Airmail for Mac and iOS the past month or so, and have been playing around with Polymail also. Do you think the fact that Mailbox was free ultimately led to their demise? If so, are there plans to monetize Polymail down the road? I love free, but paying for something feels like it's something that'll be more sustainable in the long run. I really like Polymail, but the fact that's it's free makes me a little apprehensive about jumping on board completely. Would love to hear your thoughts! Cheers Jay
@foolywk Awesome! I was just telling a friend about how much I am loving polymail and wanted an iOS app for it!
Niv Dror
Polymail needs no introduction, after winning the first ever Golden Kitty Award for Mac App of the Year and currently being the 3rd most upvoted product of all time: The team has been working hard on their iOS release, and now it's out! When they mentioned back in December that they're aiming for a mid-March release I thought that was ambitious, with the Mac being in 'Alpha' (ahah) and all... but it's the end of February and here we are! I've been beta testing the iOS App for a few weeks and it's great. All the features that you love on the Polymail Mac app, on your iPhone. I believe there will be 1,000 codes available for the iOS app so look through the comments and check it out! Congrats to @foolywk, @bshins, @shahan312, @varadhjain on getting this out so quickly. It's a quality app. 💌🚀
Ben Tossell
@nivo0o0 @foolywk @bshins @shahan312 @varadhjain Gmail on mobile doesn't cut it so I MAY be in the market for an iOS alternative... I havent stuck with the Polymail mac app as Gmail does what I need it to on my laptop (different story on mobile) May have to try it...
Brandon Foo
@nivo0o0 @bshins @shahan312 @varadhjain Thanks again, Niv! And actually we'll be inviting the first 2,000 Product Hunters who sign up today! 💌
Niv Dror
@foolywk @bshins @shahan312 @varadhjain 😮😮😮😮😮
Ryan Edsall
@foolywk @nivo0o0 @bshins @shahan312 @varadhjain That's fantastic news Brandon. I too have stopped using all other email clients thanks to Polymail for OSX. I'd be honored to share some invites as well as get my hands onto the iOS beta. Glad I checked Twitter tonight.
Tigran Hakobyan
@foolywk @nivo0o0 @bshins @shahan312 @varadhjain Love Polymail so much Brandon! I never encountered any better mail client than Polymail! Hoping to get an invite for iOS soon!
Nik Sharma
YESSS!!!!! Best push notification EVER.
Niv Dror
@mrsharma there will be 1,000!
Peiman Rafiezadeh
@nivo0o0 @mrsharma but when???!?!?
Brandon Foo
@nivo0o0 @mrsharma *there will be (at least) 2,000! 😜
Brandon Foo
@peiman5 @nivo0o0 @mrsharma we'll be sending out the first batch of iOS invites in a few minutes and will be sending the rest throughout the day! 💌
Nik Sharma
@foolywk hey Brandon, I'm getting random push notifications throughout the day. thoughts? also not getting notifications with new emails
Ben Tossell
Oh snap. It's out. The beta came from lowercase alpha. Now it's public! I still use gmail. But mobile is up for grabs as Gmail app is so bad :(
Sydney Liu
@bentossell I also stuck with gmail on my computer, but switched to Polymail iOS and have been loving it on my phone!!!
Elliott Poppel
Does Polymail support aliases?
Shahan Khan
@epoppel Yes, Polymail supports aliases 😊
Elliott Poppel
@shahan312 how are invites being distributed?
Shahan Khan
@epoppel We'll be sending them out throughout the day in batches in order of requests.
@shahan312 can I get an invite? I've reached out multiple times for one but no response. I've been using the Mac app for some time now too and it's been great!
Bence Bogar
this was love at first sight! I have been using polymail alpha (?) osx and ios for a while and it makes me really satisfied. i am so sorry gmail i think of you with gratitude but i have to move on. kudos to the polymail team! p.s. i hope watchos version is coming soon.
Brandon Foo
@bncbgr 💌 thank you so much for the beautiful WatchOS icon design, Bence! ⌚️
Sydney Liu
Congrats @foolywk, @bshins, @shahan312, @varadhjain! I've been using iOS app for a week now and have to say i'm amazed. Easily jumped off Google Inbox for this. It has some minor bugs as all new products do, but the pros easily out-weigh the cons. I initially thought the number of features packed into this would make it feel cluttered. Not even slightly the case! It's FEATURE PACKED and feels so clean and intuitive! High quality and amazing. Much needed iOS app!!!
Brandon Foo
@sydney_liu_sl @bshins @shahan312 @varadhjain thanks Sydney! 💌 everyone here should also check Sydney's awesome product, Pencil!
Connor Hicks
I got the PH push notification that this was posted and I was ecstatic. I haven't even opened Polymail yet and I've already deleted Outlook and CloudMagic.
Connor Hicks
@cohix and then we all realize there is another invite required. @foolywk hook us up? 😍
Niv Dror
@cohix 🔑
Lyle McKeany
I was a Mailbox early adopter and was not happy when they decided to shut it down. I've tried several others and Spark came the closest to filling the void, but it wasn't quite right. Polymail to the rescue! They've done an amazing job, they squash bugs and iterate insanely fast, and their product is better and more powerful than Mailbox ever was. Nice work!
Brandon Foo
@lylemckeany thanks Lyle! 💌
Baard O. Hansen
iOS app is just as awesome as the OS X Mac App. And the guys behind it keep pushing updates on both platforms. You get the feeling that they listen to their users, and follow up swiftly with new and better releases.
Brandon Foo
@ibaard thanks for being a part of our community, Baard! 💌
Kevin Tran
Although Half-Life 3 has yet to be confirmed, I can confirm that Polymail iOS is indeed out (in alpha) and is awesome. Just my preference, but I like pretty apps and Polymail certainly fits the bill. The features are consistent with the desktop version and it continues to get better through each iteration. TL;DR It's lit
Brandon Foo
@ktranada 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Simon Burns
This is awesome - so excited for you guys! Love the interface, and the productivity features.Email tracking + rapportive-esque social lookup is unique in the mail client landscape. What has been the most interesting insight from looking at the analytics on beta users? Features used more/less than expected? Weird edge cases that have popped up? Congrats on launching! 🔥🔥🔥
Brandon Foo
@realsimonburns Thanks for the support, Simon! I think one of the biggest things we didn't expect was how many Office365 / Exchange users there were, even on Mac! As for features, our one-click unsubscribe has probably been the biggest sleeper hit so far - still early though , so looking forwarding to sharing more interesting insights soon!
I spent years looking for the email client that's just right for me -- an inbox zero philosophy, minimalist design and a companion app for Mac. While there are countless iOS mail apps, I never found one that was *exactly* what I wanted. So when I got an invite to alpha test Polymail three weeks ago I was very happy to see that it was like Mailbox 2.0: all of the good features and none of the bugginess on OSX (yes, even the alpha version of Polymail was less buggy than the beta version Mailbox on OSX!). Since then the devs have iterated at an insane pace, delivering an iOS build well before the promised timeline. It's a pleasure alpha testing with them, they are very responsive to suggestions and often manage to incorporate them within a few days! I can't wait to see where they will take Polymail, I have no doubt it will be a killer app when released in the App Store!
Varadh Jain
@opdondertje We <3 you, Nienke! Thank you for being such an early supporter of ours 💌
Brandon Foo
@opdondertje Thank you so much for all your contributions to the Polymail community, Nienke! We really do 💌 you!
Jack Smith
insane execution from the team, to be able to knock this out in just a few weeks. perfect timing to be 'launching' this on the day that MailBox is shutting down. I still haven't found something close to MailBox yet, but the way Polymail is heading, it looks like it could exceed Mailbox in the future
Brandon Shin
@_jacksmith Thank you Jack! It's easy to execute when we get feedback from users like you!
Daniel Lim
Will Microsoft Exchange Emails be supported soon?
Shahan Khan
@daniellim Yes, on our todo list, along with Office 365 and IMAP :)
Ryan J A Murphy
@shahan312 @daniellim Piling on here: the ability to turn conversation view off would be a huge benefit in line with these features! I still rely on individual messages instead of the thread, as API-integrated actions (a la Zapier/IFTTT) act on the entire thread when using conversation view. (E.g., I have an IFTTT recipe that sends emails to my todo list if I put them in a certain folder, but with conversation view on, it'll create one task for each email in the thread.)
The best email client for Mac now comes to #ios That's awesome! @PolymailApp @foolywk @producthunt Any thoughts for #Android ?
Brandon Foo
@tnsrig @polymailapp @producthunt Thank you so much! After iOS, Android is next! 😜
Max Czernin
Mailbox was cool. But After testing Polymail on OSX for some time and now finally on iOS I can say: The Polymail team did not only crack email (again). The app has great features like Tracking, Undo Send and One click unsubscribe. They are even working on IMAP Support. This set of features together with the great UI makes a combination that i couldn't find anywhere else. Keep it up!
Brandon Foo
@czerninm thank you, Max! 💌
Nick Abouzeid
This is, by far, the best email client I've ever used. I wandered between different apps for months (Mailbox, Gmail, Inbox, and then Outlook) before hearing about Polymail, meeting the team, and trying it out for myself. What can I say other than they've managed to tie together the best parts of Mailbox, Sidekick, Fullcontact, and Inbox all in one, and managed to fit it into a quick and responsive iOS app? If you're not on Polymail yet, you're missing out.
Brandon Foo
@nickabouzeid thank you so much, Nick! 💌 appreciate having you with us!
Vedran Burojević
Polymail seems like a combination of Sparrow and MailBox. Finally a great mail app for iOS! :)
Brandon Shin
@burojevic Thank you Vedran! Happy to get you on 🙌
Matthew Moberly
Reading through the comments here, it doesn't seem like there's very much I can add to the discussion. People are rightly impressed with Polymail and the effort they are putting out to provide us with a phenomenal email experience on both OS X and iOS. What impresses me most is that they aren't one of these companies claiming to reinvent email. Let's face is not going to be reinvented. It is what it is. And it's going to stay that way for the foreseeable future. All email apps that claim to be reinventing email are really just complicating things. I'm not even convinced that email needs reinvented. It just needs improved. And that's the focus of Polymail. They take something we do every day, spend more time on than we want to admit, and they are improving it. They are taking the best ideas from other clients, mixing in a lot of incredibly smart ideas of their own, and producing a beautiful client that doesn't make me regret opening it. Aesthetically, it's a nice mix of minimalism and production. They still have a ways to go to perfect it and that normally scares me from completely adopting something but in this case, they are working so hard and pushing out updates so frequently I'm absolutely convinced they are going to get there. I can't say enough positive things for this group of developers. They are committed to providing a great email experience and I'm fully on board with them.
Pedro Wunderlich
@mattmoberly "Let's face is not going to be reinvented. It is what it is..." Well said. These guys are just about providing a great experience while doing something so trivial as email.
Brandon Foo
@mattmoberly thank you so much, Matthew! We appreciate your patience and support and look forward to "getting there" with you! 💌
Brandon Foo
@pddro @mattmoberly hey... email is not trivial! Fun fact: did you know the average professional spends 30% of their work day on email? 😜