
Jack - Bluetooth adapter that makes any headphones wireless


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Stephen Thomas
Well, if you don't want the risk and delay of a Kickstarter project, you can get a Blue Ant ribbon ( today
Daylen Sawchuk
@stephen_thomas The company has previously done two other successful Kickstarter projects. and
Aminadav Glickshtein
@askdaylen If you trust the makers and want to help them, I think it is better to buy from the link @stephen_thomas provided. They will get the money they need much sooner.
Fraser Smith
I can buy very similar adapters on for about a dollar which means that they can probably be bought in bulk for less on Alibaba. So, aside from the cool sync, what else would I be getting to justify my pledge?
Emmanuel Lemor
@frassmith How about: paying for a Quality product, Innovation, Design and more... instead of some knock-off product with poor quality?
Fraser Smith
@exlemor Yes, but you can't automatically pre-judge the competition just because it's made in China. I agree with you on design but there doesn't seem to be a huge amount of innovation here (aside from the aforementioned sync feature). Bluetooth adaptors have been on the market for years, the latest ones, using aptX for the best audio, starting, as I said, for about a buck. So, how you can refer to them as "knock-off" products is difficult to understand when they pre-date this product. I would hazard a guess, that if you open up one of these Jacks, the insides might bear a striking similarity to those of the many, not so pretty, devices already on the market. Maybe I'm just too cynical. :-)
Emmanuel Lemor
@frassmith agree with you on 1 part, NOT everything that comes out of China is crappy - for every crappy product coming out of China that is crappy, you have 94 times out of a 100, an American or European that just kept on beating them up on price to the point where quality materials, processes and personnel are out the window, sadly ;(
Noah Kim
@exlemor @frassmith I also don't get why this is on PH, let alone no.1 spot? I had a samsung bluetooth adapter that's about 4 years old that solves this exact same problem (sans syncing between multiple units, which I'm going to ahead and guess will be less than 1-5% of actual usage. Why would multiple people listen to the same TV in the same room on headphones? Maybe just don't use headphones then?) The ironic part, is that this IS the knock-off product. Just because it's the first time you've heard of something like this, doesn't mean it hasn't been bought and used by many many people quite awhile ago.
Emmanuel Lemor
@wuss @frassmith Sure, you could say that Samsung came out with it first but at 2.5x the price, the size, 1/2 the battery, or the fact that it has fewer features... I just see this as a slicker, thinner, more modern version. [Not exactly surprising as a lot of Kickstarter projects are doing just that]. However all of that is irrelevant, why wouldn't it be allowed on PH? [I don't work for them or am associated with them just trying to understand]
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Wireless with wires. Nope!
While this may not be practical for your phone (seriously, why would you wear cords to wirelessly transmit sound to something you constantly keep on you) it's a great idea for computers, tvs, etc. 👏
Daylen Sawchuk
@katesegrin It would work well for phones that don't have a headphone jack (iPhone 7, Moto Z, etc.).
Sergey Pirogov
Cool, sync between different Jacks is really cool
Stefan Boedenauer
pledged this project a few weeks ago
Matthieu de Luze
The idea of pairing 2 devices to listen the same thing with headphones wirelessly is actually awesome! 🙀
Just S
I looked at Jack and thought it was a pretty cool idea. I have one of the cheapo Amazon BT adapters that works great. I bought it to use with my favorite Jabra wired headphones, but it's big for my use case and looks a little silly dangling off the side of the earphone. I thought the Jack might be a good alternative but appears to be about the same size. I could just get a new pair of the same Jabra's w/BT enabled, but the pair I have are pretty much perfect other than the missing BT. Instead, I backed the Airjack product on Indiegogo. I like the idea of the magnetic charging, the 32-hour battery life, the tiny size, and the fact that they had several fully functional prototypes. It was a bonus that they are located in Scottsdale, AZ where I spend a lot of time and familiar with their office. It is expensive compared to the generic I got from Amazon, but I suspect it will be better quality and I have plenty of non-BT speakers and headphones that will benefit from Airjack.
Emmanuel Lemor
@just_s AirJack looks sweet... are you going to Hunt it Just? or should I? definitely looks great and I also love the 32hr battery.
Ouriel Ohayon
mmm. nothing new here. ali express and amazon are full of products like this. what s the deal?
Mehmet Perk
@ourielohayon the deal is that this type of a product is listed at first in a cool medium. Probably we'll see a portable car head unit with Android Auto after a few weeks or months and it will be hyped too.
Simon Bromberg
Similar product for $35, have one and it works decently
Jordan Fourcher
Just got one! Thanks
Nikhil Kanamarla
Semi-wireless not truly wireless like AirPods
Austin Yates
Would be cool if it also included the ability to "hide" the majority of the cord via some sort of pop-out wrap-around feature. No need for all that cord anymore!
Daveyon Mayne
They went upstairs to make their very own music. Yeah! Take my upvote
Ivan Verkalets
Awesome. Looking forward to test it!
just having fun
Got plenty of really good in ears that I want to turn into a semi-wireless setup, so I pledged. I am curious about the Jack vs Air Jack comparison/reviews. No harm in having two similar decent products right?
Ziga Potocnik
Awesome idea. I have one also: Please feel free to check it.
Joshua Pinter
For anybody else landing here years later, I just ordered these two. One for my truck and one for my older headphones (so I can use them with the iPhone Xs): I'll likely forget to post an update here once I get them but I'll do my best to remember.