@will_lam Well - for me it's this:
One part of what I do is share content multiple times a day about a variety of topics - tech innovation, marketing - across our social platforms and internal alumni groups. I'm also writing a lot, coming up with responses to what is happening hourly and daily in these fields whether on our blog, or pitching to press, or writing our alumni emails that connect our courses to current events, or the coolest new things.
I ingest this content in a variety of different ways - via email, Medium, on my Twitter feed, in our internal Slack channel and in our internal link sharing platform where my colleagues share the latest cool news that they love. It's a lot to get thrown at me at once, and I don't have the time to read or process it in the moment, except to know that it is something I need to know, or our community needs to know.
Throughout the week, I'll bookmark the best and most relevant of these links and tag them based on their topic (wherever they come from). I live in NYC, so I'll read a few on the subway on my way to work so I can stay on top of what I need to know (plus, when I'm in movement is when I think best and connect the dots). On Friday, I'll look at what I Pocketed for the week, and schedule it across channels using Buffer (the best!) and because I have tagged the posts, I can also refer to thoughts later when writing emails or blog posts.
I do consider content a big part of helping to grow a community - and knowing all of the things in the realm of what I do (which is huge!) is crucial to be a knowledgeable source of info for my colleagues, community members and followers.
Hope that clarifies, but happy to elaborate more on any point. :)
@lcucinotta Cool! Very interesting use case for Pocket - have you tried www.kippt.com before? Seems like that product might fit your workflow a bit before. They've got a pocket integration as well where both services talk to each other!
Pocket lets me save great stories on tech innovations, news and marketing trends from wherever I receive them (Twitter, email, Medium, etc). I save all of the links that come my way, and read them on the subway and then share to our community across platforms (by scheduling with Buffer) every Friday.
Converted from Instapaper a few years back, and Pocket is the clear winner. I definitely suffer from "eyes bigger than my stomach"...I am constantly saving content throughout the day, but find that I only get back to fully consuming about 25% of what I've saved. My core use case is when I start an article that looks interesting, but don't have time to finish. Would be awesome if Pocket created personalized morning + evening digests (see Yahoo News Digest) with the top 3-5 'must read' stories from everything that I had saved throughout the day. This could based on a number of inputs - total # of Pocket users who saved / shared the same content, content was also saved by friends / people I follow on Twitter / industry peers, total time to consume, etc. I feel like I would consume so much more of what I save if Pocket surfaced the best content I've explicitly signaled interest in.
Also - Does anyone else think that groups would be a useful addition? I find myself sharing various content out to family, friends, coworkers via email, text, Slack, etc, but I find the experience unsatisfying. I would really love to create a shared folder with my wife (people based groups), and another for my product / design team at work (interest based groups). At work Slack is great for sharing from Pocket and facilitating discussion with peers, but we lose the value of the library of content we have collectively assembled. Ultimately, I don't want to share my entire folder with everyone, and nor do I want to see everything someone else has saved...
With that said, Pocket is well designed and does a great job at delivering on its core functionality. One of my essentials.