Plot gives users the ability to plan activities with friends around custom events, recipes, workouts, concerts, sports events and more. Other features include chat, checklists and grocery lists.
Hi, curious on how has the user growth been. Do the early users bring their close friends on it? Does the retention fall or rise significantly depending on whether friends are there? Is there an average number of friends for a user which if hits, the churn reduces to almost zero?
Most of the social apps these days when launched globally have the hard problem of not being able to bootstrap the community anywhere. But this seems interesting. Every user just needs to get their closest friends and this can work for them.
Looking for any and all feedback on Plot. Thanks!
Main Features:
LISTS: Use a checklist to keep track of to-dos or the grocery list to keep track of ingredients.
CHAT: Chat with participants within the activity to keep everyone in the know. SCHEDULE: Build out an activity schedule so all activity participants are on the same page.
PURCHASES: Split up and keep track of group purchases to keep things even.
WEATHER FORECAST: A weather forecast is included in the build-your-own activities that are taking place in less than 15 days
MAP VIEW: Use the map view to see where you are going next.
Plot 2.0
Plot 2.0