Jordan Kong

Playbook - The app for growing your money and optimizing your taxes.

Playbook finds the earnings and tax opportunities you’re missing out on. Then it incorporates them into a personalized financial plan that you can automate to get the most out of every dollar saved.

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Jordan Kong
So excited to see Playbook launch! I always wonder if there are wealth-building things I *should* be doing and it's not always clear what the right steps are given everyone's unique situation. Playbook makes it so easy with step-by-step instructions to optimize taxes and maximize returns.
David Hegarty
@imnotjk thanks Jordan. There are close to 6,550 pages in the Tax Code... and that's just the Federal part of it. While the proposed tax changes might make it more fair, they also make it WAY more complicated. Optimizing your taxes shouldn't be reserved for ultra-wealthy. It should be part of every solid strategy to build long-term wealth. Playbook is the app I wish I had in my 20s. I wish someone had sat me down and explained how I could take advantage of all the tax opportunities that were available to me.
Zlatko Bijelic
I love what you guys did with the website. Very cool branding and overall UX flow. Handclaps all around @david_hegarty1
Joseph Hayes
Definitely beats the Excel spreadsheet I was keeping around instead!
krys (krys/they/them)
Huge congrats to the Playbook team! I was an early adopter and was looking for them here before they were ready to be found. 🤣 It was intriguing to discover an old favorite (Dwolla) is the underlying service for transactions. Though I suspect I uncovered an edge case (or condition) in my most recent automated transfer. I’m interested to see how the offering will grow and adapt to users.
Ghost Kitty
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