
Play for Web - Listen to articles from around the web


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Hey guys! After the Chrome Extension (https://www.producthunt.com/post...) we have been working on this Web platform (and mobile apps) for listening to articles. The idea is to be able to consume content from Medium and other curated blogs (e.g. Paul Graham's essays here) as Audio, and be able to create Playlists. We know a lot of you guys have been waiting for mobile apps, and we just want to inform that they are on their way, a week or two at most and they should be out. Don't forget to Sign Up for the apps if you haven't done so already! The product is all yours now and we are all ears for feedback :) Cheers guys!
Ayush Saxena
@hammadh4 Simple and clean! Loving it! I specially love that you have a separate design category <3 Would have been seriously awesome if there was a "play all" option for a category!
Mat Silva
Took me about 5 seconds to know I needed this. Nice work!
Mahmoud Felfel
@matsilva Amazing :) let us know if you have any feedback or suggestion.
Mat Silva
@ma7moudfelfel Thanks again. I already know I am going to be using this during my commutes. I like having the desktop to build playlists for me to take on the go. I know you are just getting started, I'll try to be as helpful as I can, I am sure you probably have some of this stuff in the pipeline. Issues: - Subscribing via twitter for mobile (android) seems to fail. Features: My needs mostly have to do with curating playlists, so just more robust playlist features. - Build playlist from authors - Bulk add to playlist - Etc etc to edit/add to playlists (I am sure you get the idea)
Mat Silva
@ma7moudfelfel Also going to be testing this out on my phone as I relax in the hot tub tonight! Pretty excited about that.
Mahmoud Felfel
@matsilva Thanks for the amazing feedback, will check that twitter issue. and we just started, a lot of cool features are coming soon for playlists :)
This is quite amazing!!!! Thanks.
Mahmoud Felfel
@sid_thinketh Thanks :) let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions
Vivek Sancheti
And are you guys using any open source text to audio read api? its reads pretty good.
Cool! It seems to be pretty similar with Narro.
Deekshith Allamaneni
This is interesting. I love listening to articles rather than reading them. Thanks for this. I am using this on Android as a progressive web app. The "DOWNLOAD OUR ANDROID APP" button at the bottom which is impossible to dismiss is annoying.
Mahmoud Felfel
@adeekshith Thanks for your feedback. It should be replaced with "Your Playlist" button if you're logged in, but yeah you are right, it is better to remove it if you're inside the progressive web app.
Enrique Benitez
This is amazing, I've been using your Play for Medium extension a lot, and I love it, well done! 👏
Mahmoud Felfel
@bntzio So happy to hear that :), let us know if you have any feedback.
David Smooke
it's wild to hear a machine reading my words! https://play.ht/#/users/7f91547c... To me, the future digital story should be able to be consumed as either text, audio or video; whatever is preferred by individual. This is interesting step in that direction. Props @hammadh4 & @ma7moudfelfel.
Mahmoud Felfel
@davidsmooke Thanks David :)
Ahmed Elshahawi
Awesome work guys! I had an issue with the signIn Most chrome users "Block 3rd party cookies and site data" I was getting this message "This browser is not supported or 3rd party cookies and data may be disabled. Dismiss" So I had to re-enable it, Now everything is working perfectly! I will be waiting for the Android App keep up!
Mahmoud Felfel
@pixelsshuffler Thanks Ahmed for reporting that issue, will check it out
Vivek Sancheti
Pretty good stuff. If you guys would like to drive traffic from google via SEO implement this some simple changes on site: 1 - No # in urls, google will not index URLs with # 2 - Serve unique Meta & OG tags (title, thumbnail & description) for each page. Along with SEO it will also look good when links are shared in social media.
@evivz Yup, you are right. We'll have to do that. Good points!
I was finding the same thing one day on the internet where I can listen to Medium articles anytime. You have solved that problem for me. Looking forward to a mobile app for this.
Mahmoud Felfel
@keyul Great :) let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions, and register on the website and you will get an invitation for the apps soon.
matias jaramillo
I would love to have this on a Google Home
Mahmoud Felfel
@matiasjajaja Good idea, I think we have to support Alexa and Google home at some point, will let you know when we do.
Hussein shtia
Are you looking for an investment or partners - It's something I like to invest in
Daveyon Mayne
After Twitter auth, it takes me back to a blank firebase url
Mahmoud Felfel
@mirmayne Sorry for that, can you try again with another social account, or from another browser, and we are working on fixing it.
Matthieu de Luze
This is a wonderful idea! Congrats 👏 I've tested it and here are my suggestions so far: - How & when do you integrate new articles? Would be awesome for the community to be able to suggest new articles - I've faced issue (obviously) on trying to listen to non-english articles (french, spanish, portuguese) so maybe you should try to filter by languages to avoir this while (I hope) you'll add other languages in the future. But anyway I already love it 😻
Mahmoud Felfel
@matthieudeluze Thanks for trying it and for your suggestions :) We add new articles in all the tags every day, and you can search for any Medium article or author and you will find it no matter when it was added to Medium. If you mean adding non-Medium articles, we are adding this feature now to allow users to add any articles, not just Medium ones, and will be out very soon. And we will filter the non-English articles till we add support for them. Please keep using it :)
Matthieu de Luze
@ma7moudfelfel Great! Thanks for your answers, and if you need any help translating in French ping me 😸
Juan Jose Zevallos Coka
This is great!!
Mahmoud Felfel
@chinozc Thanks :) let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions
Reony T
Wow so impressive. Gonna try out the mobile version when commuting 😁 👍🏼
Mahmoud Felfel
@megaroeny Amazing :) and the mobile apps are coming soon for a better mobile experience ;) Let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions.
Shyam Sundar
Whoa! This does not sound artificial is so real. Great work guys
Mahmoud Felfel
@shyamsundark Thanks, i'm glad you like it :) let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions
Germán Castaño
The idea is wonderful and It could boosts authors reach, maybe you could filter Spanish content because it doesn't hear so well. Even you could think about asking authors to read their posts and stream it from your platform. Nice work!!
Mahmoud Felfel
@germancastano Thanks Germán, glad you like it, We will filter the other languages till we add support for them. That author-narrated content is an amazing idea and some authors have offered to do it already but we are still working on adding some features that allow them to do it properly using our apps.
Ambrose Leung
The generated voice is really good. What voice library did you guys use? Good work!