Justin Schroeder

AutoAnimate - Add motion to your apps with a single line of code.

AutoAnimate is a zero-config, drop-in animation utility that adds smooth transitions to your web app. You can use it with React, Vue, or any other JavaScript application.

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Justin Schroeder
👋 Hi Product Hunt! We're super excited to announce AutoAnimate! A lightweight (1.9Kb), zero-config, drop-in, animation library that automatically applies transition animations to elements being added, removed, or moved in the DOM. It literally takes one line of code to implement, and it works with React, Vue, and any other JavaScript framework you want. AutoAnimate’s goal is to substantially improve an application’s user-experience without impacting the developer’s implementation time or performance budget. If you’re a developer or UX designer, we think you'll really appreciate improvement this will bring to the corners of your app that need a little TLC.