
Platform Business Strategy Canvas — Coordinate & focus on the critical factors of a platform

The perfect tool to coordinate and focus actions on the critical factors in the strategy for a platform business (e.g. marketplace).

You can use it on its own or alongside "The Platform Business Strategy", my book on product strategy for platform.

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As Richard P. Rumelt puts it in Good Strategy/Bad Strategy, “the core of strategy work is always the same: discovering the critical factors in a situation, and designing a way of coordinating and focusing actions to deal with these factors.” The Platform Business Strategy Canvas is the perfect tool to coordinate and focus actions on the critical factors in the strategy for a platform business (e.g. marketplace). You can use The Platform Business Strategy Canvas on its own or as the companion to The Platform Business Strategy: a Practical Guide for Busy Product Leaders, my book on product strategy for platform businesses (available from Amazon). In the first chapters of the book, we discover the critical factors in a platform business; the Platform Business Strategy Canvas helps you put them together and play them against each other to craft a successful strategy.