David Fine

The Placemeter Sensor - Quantify your city's movement, anywhere

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Jon Lee
Hi everyone, let me know if you have any questions or thoughts. Excited to be here!
Ryan Marr
Is the idea here to crowd source the sensor implementation with the goal of a global interactive data set that's accessible to everyone ( I'm thinking of global AIS aggregation like www.marinetraffic.com)? OR for me to have a sensor and an individual analytics suite around my property/neigbourhood? I love the idea of global aggregate data provided by enthusiasts and hobbyist, the value proposition for the individual is to be a contributor to a global data-set. I might be misinterpreting your application, but that idea excites me in general.
Jon Lee
@ryanmarr Hi Ryan, thanks for the great question. Today we're focused on delivering a unique service directly to a customer who wants to collect such data for a business or research reason. It is in our future plans to enable everyone to pull data without contributing. Today, we do this ad-hoc for academic use cases, but opening up our data network for free and paid query is a big part of our vision.
Making the city come alive with the data. Love it.
Roberto Scaccia
@jonlee108 I really like what you are building with Placemeter and also your long term vision. If you can share, I would be curious to know what has been the adoption rate among City Agencies. I would suggest you to check/get in touch with Citymart http://www.citymart.com/solution... "Citymart sources the most inspiring solutions for urban and social challenges in global cities, providing a knowledge resource to enable smarter decisions".
Jon Lee
@robertoscaccia We’re finding that innovative agencies from cities big and small are hungry for this kind of data. Transportation agencies regularly contract pedestrian and vehicle counts, parks departments measure how people use public spaces, and economic development agencies track commercial activity in business districts. A real-time automated system like ours allows them to perform long-term large-scale projects that wouldn’t otherwise be possible.
Borahm Cho
good stuff!
I guess I don't get it. "measure the world around you" Measure what? Ah, I went to the main page and got a little more clarity. You should probably link that instead of just to the placemeter. I still don't really get what it's measuring, what it can measure, etc.
Jon Lee
@mountainmatt Thanks! That's a good point. We're adding more detail to that page to clarify. To answer your question about what we measure: We detect the presence of pedestrians, vehicles, and bicycles within a video feed, and we automatically and anonymously produce data on how many there are, what direction they're headed in, and so on. This raw data can be applied towards answering important questions for city planners, retailers, real estate agents, and civic hackers. It gets particularly interesting when the data is correlated with external sources such as the weather, purchases, special events, and city improvement projects.
David Glauber
I'm a proud 'sensor' of Placemeter for quite some time. Love the design of your new website.
Jon Lee
@dglbr It's folks like you who make it possible to build our technology. Thank you for the kind words!
David Glauber
@jonlee108 @dglbr thanks, I have some more in depth feedback to share, tried to message you. How can we talk?
Jon Lee
@dglbr Sent you a DM
Trevor Owens
Love the tagline, "Quantify the World." Though I'm admittedly biased.
Jon Lee