Michael John

Pricing Page - No-code pricing pages with Stripe checkout

Have you every been ready to launch a product and needed to create a pricing page at the last minute? And then when you decide to update your prices, you need to update both your Stripe settings and your site. Now with it's automatic generated and in sync!

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Elie Steinbock
Seems extremely expensive to both pay 2.9% for Stripe and 3% for this product.
Michael John
I've always loved Stripe Checkout since it first came out, but I've always found it annoying and complicated to try to keep my pricing in sync between Stripe and pricing page on my website. So that's why we created prici.ng.page, to automatically keep your Pricing Page updated when you change your pricing in Stripe. And you can use your page hosted at prici.ng.page or you can embed the pricing page in your own website, blog, or whatever. Let us know your thoughts!
Doesn't stripe have its own pricing pages with Stripe checkout and the downside is they make your products exposed to the client side? I think that feature renders this app useless
Jimmy Donut
3% for a pricing page? Are you nuts? Seems ironic a pricing product would have no idea how to price