Alexsander Akers

Microsoft To-Do - An intelligent task management app

Microsoft To-Do is a simple and intelligent to-do list from the Wunderlist team. Whether it's for work, school or home, To-Do will help you increase your productivity and decrease your stress levels.

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Björn Bakker
Wow... Name: To-Do Logo: Checkmark... I guess corporate b.s. definitely kicked in... WL: "Let's do something bold!" -> MS: "Let's play it safe", WL: "Let's design something that people remember" -> MS: "Let's do something that other people are doing", WL:"Let's create an icon that stands out in the App/Play Store" -> MS: "Let's do something people already understand" It's a shame how such a remarkable design as Wunderlist just got thrown in the dump for a design that I have seen 100x on Dribbble. Come on Wunderlist team, where are the balls to fight for something you believe in? Sorry for the rant - but let's be serious here. For a German startup, you even got in the minds of so many US users, your icon is even used in the PH onboarding when it comes to "productivity". I loved Wunderlist for sticking to its guns. Sure you have to become more fluid with the "design language" of Microsoft. 'Make it personal' and 'create delight' are the "principles"... Guess those flew out the window at meeting 27. p.s. I do love the WL team for creating something so beautiful simple years ago. So kudos to that team.
James Huang
@bjorn_bakker Do you think the textures and skeuomorphisms + drop shadows were getting a bit long in the tooth, though?
Björn Bakker
@lyondhur haha no there is no nice way to say it... :P
Björn Bakker
Where are the downvotes when you need them @nivo0o0?
Björn Bakker
@weiluenhuang you know what I find so funny. Most designers don't design for their users, they design for other designers (I actually think I just stole that quote from Ogilvy). Do I think it should have been untouched for years to come — absolutely not! However, to become oblivious with an almost stock-like experience... Nobody wants to be that, right? I still find most peace of mind with 400+ books around me - not in some hipsterish trendy café, where people are more concerned with their latest sneaker trend instead of the actual best coffee.
James Huang
@bjorn_bakker agreed, hopefully the Wunderlist team will add some of the character back into the application as it evolves.
tom meagher
✅ Kill off Acompli (2015) ✅ Sunset Sunrise (2016) ✅ Destroy Wunderlist (2017)
Stuart Morris
@tomfme tough times. Acompli is arguably better as Outlook, however its calendaring functionality still lags far behind what Sunrise offered. Hopefully Wunderlist doesn't suffer the same fate.
Thibault Milan
@stuartmorrisau @tomfme it's already planned :/ unfortunatly
James Huang
@tomfme Idk, if this is entirely fair. Acompli is really just Outlook with a rename. Wunderlist team made a new app, that's an evolution of their older app. I was a bit sad to see Sunrise team decide to fold their app and add features into the core Outlook app, though :(
Brandon Hull
@weiluenhuang @tomfme I beg to differ on this app being an evolution of Wunderlist. As a Wunderlist power user, I think this app is a major disappointment. Requiring me to login, right out of the gates, with a Microsoft account, is strike one. An image with "My Day" taking up 40% of my mobile screen is strike two.
Jonathan Beddoes
@tomfme thought the same thing. Ridiculous isn't it! Shall we throw in Zune and Nokia? :)
Lisa Dziuba
Wunderlist!!??? No....😭😭😭
Stephanie M. Pratt
@lisadziuba I feel the same way! Guess I might have to switch back to todoist...
Evan Kimbrell
Yet another reason to use Todoist
Onur Senture
What's next Microsoft? Alarm clock app? :D
Product Pearson
All good, but to close down Wunderlist and force everyone to use this new app was a dick move.
Esteban Aravena
You can only use it with a Microsoft account 😄
Jamie Martin
I wonder what this means for Wunderlist
@livejamie Wunderlist will eventually be shut down as per MSFT. To-Do is being created by the same Wunderlist team but still there are a lot of Wunderlist features which are not ported to To-Do yet.
Topaz Tee
@pravilz @livejamie Why are they eventually shutting down wunderlist?
Lyondhür Picciarelli
@pravilz It's all set to run inside Office365 with subscription shite as always. To start, you need using a hotmail/live/outlook/O365 account, plus all the plans to kill and embed. It's the same as trying to fit a Ferrari into a frikking Renault 4L..
James Huang
@lyondhur @pravilz Actually it looks like you can use your Microsoft account, which means you could use an @gmail or whatever address. It doesn't look like it's a subscription offering either.
James Huang
@lyondhur Yea, I think we're saying the same thing. Their preview requires a Microsoft Account right now, not sure if they will expand to other accounts gmail/fb GroupMe + Outlook do this, but I meant that a Microsoft Account doesn't have to be a hotmail/live/outlook/O3665 account. All I meant was that you can register any email address as the username or just use a phone number.
Juan Buis
so... where's the mac app?
@jonnymaceachern i emailed them - they said should be 'very soon'
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Nice TOS as well (#not): DATA COLLECTION. The software may collect information about you and your use of the software and send that to Microsoft. Microsoft may use this information to provide services and improve Microsoft’s products and services. Your opt-out rights, if any, are described in the product documentation. Some features in the software may enable collection of data from users of your applications that access or use the software. If you use these features to enable data collection in your applications, you must comply with applicable law, including getting any required user consent, and maintain a prominent privacy policy that accurately informs users about how you use, collect, and share their data. You can learn more about Microsoft’s data collection and use in the product documentation and the Microsoft Privacy Statement at You agree to comply with all applicable provisions of the Microsoft Privacy Statement.
Joji Thumma
@lyondhur This the moment where you say "Bugg Off.. I need to search another todo app in producthunt.
Mark Zajac
@lyondhur The enterprise customer is what keeps msft in business. All of their consumer products are now by definition considered malware/spyware. What they are doing is wrong with the data collection. Msft is so entrenched in both consumer/retail and enterprise that it's hard to continue to use this *crapware* without going to macOS or even linux, and unfortunately a mass-exodus from the win-ecosystem is damn near impossible. A crying shame in my opinion. The problem is that people either don't know they spy on you so much or they don't care (in favor of convenient-ism). If enough people cared and called them out on it, it wouldn't be happening.
Lyondhür Picciarelli
@zajacm work, clients, advanced coding, tweaking, servers, etc.. sure. But the last time I had a Microsoft/Windows OS myself was.. never. -- and I saw Archimedes with my own eyes #notamillenial
Jason Briscoe
The design feels familiar, and cleaner – which I like – but are missing a few key things: + Ability to add people and share lists + Missing subtasks – an excellent, much-used feature + The import tool doesn't seem to work for me...I've tried several times + Create folders – again, seems basic, why remove this functionality? + Desktop companion – web-only is fine, but I personally like an offline tool
Omar Elmontaser
@jbriscoe I add also : + OFF LINE editing and adding information. That's why i'm using Wunderlist!
Byron D
No doubt the guys from Wunderlist had their reasons for selling to Microsoft, so I say well done to those guys! I'm sure they have exciting new projects in the pipe, after all they are entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs have a new idea every second so 2 years = a lot of ideas. ToDo will be just another feather in Microsoft's hat. It will be difficult for Design, Marketing and Product Teams to get their head around this product as it will be drowned out by the mass of Office 365 products. I'm still 100% sure that sometime very soon the dictatorship that is IT Department in most companies will realise that it's better to let the team's choose the tool they need for their job and that one guy or girl in IT cannot choose one tool to fit all teams...#keepthedreamalive
Zick Mean
@byronzo Usually there's only 1 reason to sell out. Why would you applaud the creators of something you love for selling it to the evil empire so it can be destroyed? Do you applaud when the Death Star destroys Alderaan? You can still hang out on Hoth though, thanks Micro$oft.
Byron D
@zeemean there is never really just 1 reason . I'm sure the guys had their reason[s] and I'd say good luck to them! No doubt they will have a new innovative product for you pretty soon, which MS will have nothing on - a mini Alderaanino in this case...I'll let you get back to the film
Zick Mean
@byronzo a big pile of cash money can be pretty convincing I hear. Question: How will the WL devs produce a new product when they're now under the thumb of M$? You mean the founders and their theoretical pile of cash? #HanShotFirst
Byron D
@zeemean the guys are based in Berlin, there is a great start-up culture bubbling there at the moment. People who work at start-ups, love the product and the start-up environnement that goes with it. It takes a special breed of talent to work at a start-up. They may have been gobbled up into the corporate environnent for the moment but trust me, they will get the itch to start something new very soon! “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” – Darth Vader
Zick Mean
@byronzo You were supposed to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness! I get that the founders possibly will come up with another good product, but this one was already good. Why cheer when the Sith win?
Beautiful Simple UI. That's what I want for to-do list :)
Varun Dave
Looks good, but so many To-Do apps out there, so many! Hard to differentiate one from the other and it's too much effort to move to a different app that provides only an incremental benefit.
Htain Lin Shwe
Import from wunderlist took forever 😑
Tom Feltham
@saturngod The disappointment when a message pops up saying subtasks are no longer supported...
Damion Alexander
No natural language input like Wunderlist had; seems like a huge step backwards to me.
Joji Thumma
@nostradamion Someone needs to explain to microsoft that "Fail Fast" does not mean "Kill Fast". They seem to have taken "Fail Fast" as their real motto.
Niv Dror
"Let's get acquired by Microsoft!" –App from your 2015 homescreen
this is a terrible decision (and terrible app) driven by Microsoft's need to continue to add value to O365. I've heard it's actually built on Outlook reminders, which have always been terrible and will eventually be merged into Outlook -- I assume, then, with the standalone app still remaining but who knows. Todoist should feel really good about themselves right now. So it goes, I guess.
This is the poster child for why ProductHunt needs a down vote option. I loved Wunderlist..... now I'm in a relationship with Trello trying to overlook all its flaws and shortcomings.
Ben Winters
Did they really need to acquire Wunderlist to build this product? Or were they just removing the competition?
Mark Zajac
@blwinters Msft doesn't like competition as is clearly evident with their anti-trust "problems" in the 90's. Europe continues to not trust Msft as is evident with the various Europe-specific versions of Windows10 (i.e. Windows 10 "N") that are needed to do business in the EU. Win10 (and all it's products incl. this sorry of a Todo list) is straight-up malware/spyware, by definition. They cannot be trusted. However, Msft's biggest customer is the enterprise and to put it mildly they are po'd at this point and are starting to develop 'contingency' plans and w/o the enterprise, msft is done.