It looks very useful!
But your download experience can be optimized. It asked my email when I tried to download but nothing happened after I typed my email. I then try to download without giving my email and it gave me an error but I was still able to download...
@dreamerslab appreciate the feedback. It is fixed now. And we don't intend to collect anyone's email, so the file will be still downloaded no matter you leave the email or not :)
@chrismessina Sorry about the confusion guys! Leaving email is optional for downloading the app, but we will notify those who leave the email when Pixdrop final version is released. We’ve adjusted the flow and hope it makes more sense now :)
Hello Hunters,
I am Steven , the maker of Pixdrop and Inspr. Last November we made Inspr app for making quick app mockups on the phone, and it hit number 2 on ProductHunt. It was a great encouragement for us. We got a lot of very good feedback from the community, and we also had the chance to co-work with a great startup POP (Prototype on Paper) to deliver integrated features. Now, Inspr team is releasing a new utility tool called Pixdrop.
Pixdrop is a Mac menu bar app for you to collect images efficiently. You can drag and drop any images from the menu bar, keep and organize screenshots, and capture mobile device screenshots directly from your Mac. It works with GIF as well. No more tedious image download!
It began as a side project, but our team finds the tool extremely useful and time-saving, so we decided to polish it and share with more people.
If you deal with images frequently, I believe Pixdrop will increase your productivity! It is completely free! We'd be happy to get feedback from the community.
Haha this is so simple but so great. I'm looking at my desktop and I have a cluster of images on one corner of the screen. When I move images from an app to another or from google images I have to drop them there, THEN move them to their destination.
This looks really interesting, going to give this a try over the weekend - feel like I spend a good chunk of my day doing this - the long way, I swear Airdrop must be bipolar or something !
@syshen Understood, and makes perfect sense! (idea: maybe put a tooltip when you hover over the icon: "Connect with cable") Anyway, I just tried it with the cable, and while the icon turns dark gray, still nothing happens when I click it.
@chrisfahey you also need to make sure your iPhone screen is on, or it cannot capture the screen. And if you download Pixdrop from the mailchimp mail, the link was pointing to an incorrect version which has bug on capturing device screens, we are sorry for the mistake, and we already fix the link. You can download the file again from .
The 25 Days of Ideas