
Pitchcard Explore - Pitch and explore ideas, find collaborators to build things

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The best feedback that we had so far is: "Pitchcard is like Tinderpreneur" 😂
Sander Visser
Looks good and works pleasantly! I feel like there should be a way to 'Skip' cards, as I don't always have enough knowledge about a field to give feedback on the idea.
@fishsander we actually got this feedback from a couple of users. This will be part of the next release.
Shrikrishna Holla
@lailo_ch @fishsander one more helpful feature would be to see a history of the cards you have seen
@srikrishnaholla we're working on a own explore section where you will see the trending cards and the list of the cards you've interacted with
Selva Ganesh
@fishsander Yes this is quite critical. If I'm not interested on a particular idea or if I don't have enough background on the idea, I'm often tempted to click "Nope" and sadly the vote is counted as "BAD" idea which might look discouraging for the pitcher
Frederik Creemers
Is there a way to reply to feedback? I just received a question.
@_bigblind for now, you just can contact the other person if there is a help offer, not on feedback. We'll have a look into this, because in your case it would be very useful.
Frederik Creemers
@lailo_ch Yes. Feedback shouldn't be a one-way street.
Frederik Creemers
@lailo_ch Another issue at the moment, is that just a vote count can be tricky to interpret. I got 48 upvotes, and 44 downvotes. To what extent do the people who like it, like it, and why do the people who dislike it, dislike it? I only got one piece of feedback, which is a question about how it works. I created my card hours ago, so I can't edit it to answer that question for future viewers. Would it be a good idea to archive this card, and try to create a new one with an improved description? Is that the kind of iterative process you want to encourage?
@_bigblind We discussed a lot about the edit functionality. The conclusion about it was, that we added a 15min time window to fix small typos. In your case, the description seems to not explain the idea good enough (feedback as questions). So you might need to archive this card and publish a new one with a description which answers the questions inside the feedback. Do you think there is a better way to solve this problem?
Adedayo Charis
Absolutely love this. Its good to see the ideas that are out there. Is there an app for Pitch card. l would love to get it?
@adedayocharis thank you! We just have the web version for now but depending on the success of it, we might build it
@adedayocharis sure thing! cheers!
Taylor Rossi
@susu__garcia @adedayocharis build it and I will give you the contacts to make it happen and be better than shark tank
Adedayo Charis
@yachtsofideas @susu__garcia the app you mean? l am very capable. Kindly checkout www.ikontracker.com.au
Pitchcard was released a couple of weeks ago – a very light version of its idea and got amazing feedback from the community. They decided to keep going and developed a marketplace of ideas. There is no need anymore to test new technologies and skills on todo apps. Find cool ideas and collaborate with others to create useful things.
@danistefanovic Thank you for hunting PItchcard! People wanted it, and they got it! We made: - A Explore Section where you can find other people’s ideas. - Apart from voting and sending your feedback, now you can offer your help to build an idea! - Sign up is really easy! Use your Facebook or Twitter account. Who knows, you may help to build the Next Big Thing!
@danistefanovic Happy to answer your questions and read your honest feedback. 😄
Joost Schuur
@danistefanovic I initially didn't see the Tinder style voting on a single idea when I went to your Explore section, and misunderstood the single card I saw there to mean that you only had one pitch currently on the entire site. In my interpretation of the word 'explore', I thought I was going to see a lot more than just a single pitch at a time, and the current design could turn people off because they don't realize how many other pitches are waiting on the site. Maybe a counter and some kind of 'recent/trending/top' pitches sidebar?
@joostschuur thank you for your feedback! Yes, you are right, we will add a next button visible when exploring cards to let people know that there are more ideas and a counter. Actually you can see the counter but only we you are logged in.
Théo Blochet
Good idea. I find that 200 characters are not enough to explain the problem *and* the solution. This limit forces you to pick one or the other, resulting on a problem with no solution, or a solution with no context. A cap at ~350 would be better. (e.g : https://www.pitchcard.io/c/SytvHPtP )
@theoblochet thanks for your feedback! We believe that every good idea needs to be pitched in 2–3 sentences. And this is only possible if you exactly know what the goal of your idea is. This limit makes people get to the point. Think about it as an advertising, there you have a few chars as well 😁
Théo Blochet
@susu__garcia sure, it can work. But a framework where you can talk about *problem* and *solution* would be great. You might be right : I deleted my original pitch and wrote it a few times over, and managed to fit it within 2 or 3 sentences :)
@theoblochet awesome, thanks :)
Selva Ganesh
@susu__garcia @theoblochet I felt it's very restricting as well. Any ideas should describe the problem it is solving. 200 chars is not enough to describe the problem & the idea IMO.
@selvagsz @theoblochet i see your point but if we allow very long descriptions, users won't read and interact with it as much as they do with short descriptions.
Craig Barber
Also, on mobile it would be good to have left / right swipe functionality like Tinder : )
Karim Daghari
I remember when you first launched this web app (back when it was solely base on 1:1 feedback), you said that you would be making an explore section and you delivered ! Kudos to you for keeping your word 👌. I'm really happy to see you here again, I have one question though, can you please explain how do I get the next card? Seems to me like it's random.
@karimdaghari thank you! We did our best to keep it simple and yet useful :) Regarding to the next card, after voting, you get the next newest one.
Karim Daghari
@susu__garcia Maybe add something like a category section in the submission form (leave it as a simple input until you get enough categories?) and then sorting would be based on that + the time? Also, don't get me wrong (I really don't want to jinx it) but there's a feature which, *I think*, is crucial that is missing: "Delete your account" since it gives the user the feeling of being in control which is honestly quite important for a good UX. On another note, I think that your platform is so simple that it can be used by anyone (who have the patience) and not only entrepreneurs or tech people.
@karimdaghari sure! Deleting user account it's a really good input! We didn't do it yet because of a lack of time, but we will do it. 😅 We've already thought about the categories as well, it's definitely in our road map as Pitchcard is a platform for everyone and not just tech people. Thank you for your feedback. We really appreciate it!
Rotem Yakir
How do you like my idea :)
Jeffrey Wyman
Cool.. I like the simplicity, would like to see larger font or make it easier to read (non-white background?)
@jeffrey_wyman good input. Do you want bigger font in general or just on mobile?
Jeffrey Wyman
@lailo_ch I'm on desktop so it only takes up maybe 15% of screen. On mobile I bet it looks fine.
@jeffrey_wyman yeah, on a such big screen, it looks very lost. Definitely need to improve that for desktop.
It would be really helpful, If I can have a metrics report of downvotes and upvotes across the site, then, I can easily measure my idea is good enough for me.
Yulian Ustiyanovych
Awesome! I really like it! It is fantastic tool to validate your ideas.
@yulian_ustiyanovych thank you, glad you like it 😊
Dhruv Parmar
Love the product. Just one question, it seems that it's necessary for me to either upvote/downvote every card that pops up. It might help to have a skip button too ? for the neutrals. I might not always like/dislike the idea but would have to click either to see more ideas.
@dhruvparmar glad you like it. A skip button is in development and will be live in the next days.
Is there any place I can see number of upvotes for given idea or maybe weekly/monthly tops? And good luck on idea, its awesome!
@ikhahmedov we got this feedback very often and we will work on a own page for explore to show more stats and timeline of ideas
Thomas Stöcklein
Love it. Great idea. Have you guys considered adding a reddit/PH-like list view where users can upvote and downvote ideas? The cards are great, but it would be nice to see multiple ideas at a glance...
@tomstocklein we are working on this but the big challenge is that you need title and a long description to be able to vote. If we show all this information at once, people will get a bit lost in too much information. But no worries, we will find a solution ☺️
Hari Jeevakumar
Love Pitchcard. I only used it once, but it forces you to simplify your ideas + share your ideas + think about other people's ideas.
Craig Barber
A small thing, but the 'By' name should link back to the person's social account - good for recognition.
@craigjbarber that sounds like a good idea 🤔
Nathalie Teran
I like it and wish we could have an app for it instead of a responsive website. , I think it could be great to get the stats about the upvotes or downvotes once you express yourself about an idea.
Serkan Kagan Celik (naxer)
Congrats! @lailo_ch and @susu__garcia . It looks very useful.
Jared Erondu
Cool concept! One note: If I say "nope" to a pitch, the confirmation text shouldn't be the same as if I said "yep."