Real pitch decks from 100+ of the best startups
Maximilian Fleitmann

Pitch Deck Hunt β€” Real pitch decks from 100+ of the best startups

Pitch Deck Hunt is a collection of over 100 real startup pitch decks. Together with you, we are adding more weekly to build the most useful collection. Get inspired!
Maximilian Fleitmann
Hey Product Hunt Community πŸ–β€οΈ My name is Max, and I'm an entrepreneur based in Germany. Over the past years, I have been passionate about pitch decks as one challenge every entrepreneur will face on their journey. I always took a lot of inspiration from the pitch decks that are already out there. And there are already some collections on the internet (Startup Pitch Decks by @RyanGum), but most of them lack recent decks and some functionality I would like to have β€” That's why I took some of my time and built Pitch Deck Hunt. With Pitch Deck Hunt, it is my goal to build the leading resource of pitch deck examples on the internet together with you! πŸ‘‰ 100+ real pitch decks from countries around the globe πŸ‘‰ from Pre-Seed to Later Stage πŸ‘‰ for every industry πŸš€ We are adding new pitch decks every week so that you can get your weekly dose of inspiration. πŸ’ͺ❀️ I am always looking for more awesome decks, so if you have any that I have missed - please let me know. 😊 I hope you enjoy this site and get some value! Let me know any feedback you may have, whether more resources or ways to improve the site! 😊 Will love to work on the next version of it! All the best, Max
Dan Siepen
@ryangum @maximilian_fleitmann Amazing job guys! This is sooo cool :)
Maximilian Fleitmann
@dansiepen Thanks a lot!
Alvin Hung
@ryangum @maximilian_fleitmann Thanks for putting this together. You are saving founders so much time!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@alvinhung Thank you so much! Appreciate it!
Bryan Landers
@maximilian_fleitmann how are you validating these deck sources? I can already see one deck that's not from the actual company, but rather an exercise from college students. https://www.pitchdeckhunt.com/pi... I wrote a blog post about why founders should be skeptical of pitch deck resources like this from that exact example: https://medium.com/@bryanlanders...
Julian Droste
Hey Bryan! Thank you for the great advice. We will discuss if we keep the deck and label it as an inofficial redesign or simply remove it from the collection. We have not deep-checked the sources of the pitch decks. However, we will from now on! Let us know if you find more decks, that should be labeled differently or removed from the collectio. You can email us anytime via hi@pitchdeckhunt.com Cheers, Julian
Maximilian Fleitmann
@bryanlanders Thanks Bryan! Have not been aware of it! Will think about a solution for that.
Sharath Kuruganty
Great collection guys. Would love to see if you can differentiate latest decks from the old ones. Overall very well curated!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@5harath Great idea. Will add a filter soon.
Christopher Jones
Is there a way to actually see the pitch deck? I'm only seeing one slide with usually the logo! What am i missing?!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@christopher_jones1 Have you tried clicking on the logo? Example: https://www.pitchdeckhunt.com/pi...
Christopher Jones
@maximilian_fleitmann it's once I'm on the specific page of the deck that I want to view... its just an image with the sidebar details about that company and a link to their website...
Maximilian Fleitmann
@christopher_jones1 Ups. Sorry for that. I will check on that. Which browser are you using on which OS? And do you have any adblocker?
Christopher Jones
@maximilian_fleitmann maybe there is an ad blocker turned on by the network... checked on my phone and i can see the frame with the slideshow! Thank you!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@christopher_jones1 You would help me a lot if you send me a screenshot to hi@pitchdeckhunt.com. Would like to really solve the "bug". Maybe you can try with another browser during that time.
Sergey Vasin
Great stuff! Why would you need pitch decks from random startups? You’re likely to be swamped with irrelevant presentations via submit form. Do I miss something?
Maximilian Fleitmann
@sergey_vasin Thank you very much! The idea is to give the community the chance to submit decks they find on the internet, because it will be hard to always find out if there is something new.
Newton Barber
Sorry, but still can't understand what is the use of these pitches for users? It helps to make own pitch? Or refer to one of them? No offence, just clarifying! Design and execution is great!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@newt0n_barber Hey Newton, thank you for asking. A lot of first time founders struggle with the creation of their pitch deck. They can get inspiration from how other people did it before and take ideas for their own pitch (e.g. how to show different market sizes or what to include on a team slide).
Giovanni Cascio
Super useful, after working on a couple of pitch decks over the past months I can say, this kind of inspiration really brings you forward!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@gcascio Thank you Giovanni!
Antonina Anisimova
Thanks guys. Take a look at this onehttps://www.behance.net/gallery/... ; Shouldn't it be included too?🧐
Nasti Susnjara
@maximilian_fleitmann Thank you for creating this! Really amazing work. It would be also useful to add "Cosmetics" category (or something similar?) that would cover successful DTC brands. Maybe an idea for the future :)
Maximilian Fleitmann
@nasti_susnjara Great idea. Will add some soon!
Gershon Wajntraub
I develop pitch decks for various of my businesses all the time. It is not easy to develop a good pitch deck. What you have done is needed and it is very helpful as it opens the window to what successful companies did. It offers a lessons of what to do. Great job. continue doing what you're doing. Traveul.
Maximilian Fleitmann
@gershon_wajntraub2 Thank you Gershon!
I wish this existed few years back. Really great product.
Maximilian Fleitmann
@realdesigntack Yay! Thank you!
Nisarg Shah
Already started using to refer some pitches. Cool and useful product. Kudos to the team!!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@nisarg1499 Love it. Thank you so much!
Makoae Wilson
Pretty useful. Thank you!
caryn werner
Very cool!! Thanks for putting this together!
Brenda Arenas
Amazing collection! I will def use this as I'm creating my pitch deck now :) Thanks!
Julian Droste
@bdarenas Thank you! 'Happy we can help you with our collection!
Taaron Gorbahn
Awesome stuff! Great collection!
Vladimir Ivanov
I'll try today!
Prateek Keshari
Very cool!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@prateekkesharii Thank you so much!
Sebastian Bauer
I love the idea and the result is great - thanks!
Maximilian Fleitmann
@sebastian_bauer Thank you Sebastian!
Jatin Chaudhari
This is going to save so much time!