Commercepedia is a comprehensive database with 50+ useful data points on over 1M+ eCommerce and D2C brands. Our proprietary score helps you assess and compare similar companies on aspects that matter.
@nicolasegosum It depends. If its one-off reports, we are selling them at $5. For volume usage (if 10s of 1000s of companies need to be tracked), the price drops down to about a dollar.
Thank you @Kevin! We've been building PipeCandy for about 4 years now and this is a significant milestone in helping the community objectively assess eCommerce companies and D2C brands. Happy to answer any questions.
Also, we have extended our holiday discounts until the 8th of Jan and are offering our datasets at a 30% discount until then (for annual plans). So, if you plan to take advantage of that, quote this conversation.
@ashwinizer looks cool, would be even more cool if you could share 1 sample report of some company so that people could see the benefit before signing up (just an idea).
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