Karen Lee

Pine - A call agent to call business on your behalf


Nobody enjoys calling customer services. These calls can consume hours of your time every week. Pine is here to help! Simply let Pine know your problem, and it will handle the call for you, resolving your issues without the hassle.

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Karen Lee
Calling banks, credit card companies, or other service vendors to dispute transactions, negotiate bills, or cancel reservations is often a frustrating experience. For example, disputing a transaction with Bank of America can involve waiting over an hour just to talk to a representative. On average, Americans make such calls at least three times a week. While resolving the issue itself may not take long, the wait time is often unbearable. That's where Pine comes in. Leveraging advanced AI, Pine takes over these tedious tasks for you. Just let Pine know your problem, and it will make the call, handle the conversation, and get things done efficiently. No more long waits, no more frustration—just a seamless solution to resolve your issues. Save time and avoid the hassle with Pine, your personal assistant for all your business call needs.