Hi guys, I can't see a way to create recurring meetings. Is there one? I would need that if I was to use it for our weekly team meetings- Don't want to enter same info every week.
@emmakayconlan recurring meetings will be included in an upcoming update. Probably within the next 2 weeks. Will let you know when it’s out. In case it helps until then, you can also duplicate meetings.
@christian_lomholt Thanks Christian. Pinstriped connects to your calendar and then you can import events. Or add them directly from your Google calendar with out Chrome extension. You can read more here: http://help.pinstriped.com/conne... . Please let us know if you have any more questions.
Looks interesting. We're currently working with google calendar but it's not great for keeping meeting notes. I'll try it for my meeting later this week!
@thomassugar Sorry Thomas. I don't think I elaborated enough to help you answer the question. Right now, I only see that I can add each person to the meeting individually. Sometimes I hold meetings with about a hundred people (i.e. via Zoom). I would love to be able to import a list of those email addresses so I don't have to add each person individually. Is this already built into the product somewhere? Thanks!
Would love to get more people in my study group on board for this. They like to keep meetings way too casual and it wastes time. I will try to use Pinstriped for our morning meetings.
I like the concept, wondering if you would consider sharing some more screen shots of the interface so I don't have do download and install something I don't really want to use. Your website is beautiful but doesn't show much of the actual app interface. IMO
As an ENFP, i love the time management support here! I live by timers - they go off all day long. Any plans to integrate with Notion, Coda, or Dropbox Paper? (Or with Zoom, Calendly?) As much as I adore the timer feature, I don't want to silo off meeting-specific docs.
Would love to give it a test drive (and maybe buy the LTD) but it's Mac only. :(
Are you going to open the LTD again when you release a Web, Windows, or Android app?
@eric_axelrod Hi Eric, thanks for the interest and for asking. I am sure we will have some kind of promotion then as well, but don't have the details yet. Thanks again.
It is mind changing tool. It helps you to think about meetings in different, better way. That is what I like about it.
Pros:Really helps to have more organized and efficient meetings.
Cons:Lack of integrations into other apps. Only Slack is present right now.
Sorted for iOS
Using Pinstriped to prepare my meetings and have access to the past meetings. This tool is a time saver.
Pros:Easy to use and a beautiful UI
Cons:Support for more platforms not there (yet)
Great, new release with fixes, I do see some improvements!
Pros:Efficient and short meetings is one of most important factors in order to get things done
Cons:Still need more integrations and open public API
Pavlok 3
Would love to get more people in my study group on board for this. They like to keep meetings way too casual and it wastes time. I will try to use Pinstriped for our morning meetings.
Overall Pinstriped seems really cool.
Pros:Simple, easy to use, covers all bases it seems
Cons:Would love more themes
I love software that has a simple purpose and knocks it out of the park. This will change my flow for meetings forever.
Pros:Clean, simple interface.
Cons:Still only for Mac; excited to see the other versions roll out.
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