Dheeraj Joshi

Pilot - Ride Sharing - Fast, affordable and hassle free commute solution

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Dheeraj Joshi
Pilot is a ride-sharing platform for two-wheelers. An intuitively simple solution to your vehicle-pooling troubles. Pilot lets commuters use it as often as it fits their schedule - no commitments. Get a cheap and convenient ride, and earn if you drive. The opportunity cost for two-wheeler owners to share their ride and reduce their commute cost is zero. Why not use the potential of the extra seat that is vacant most of the time? I am very excited to share this launch. They built their initial traction in Chennai, but this is their full India launch. The application sounds promising - but questions: @rajsid77 How do you match people up? How does the pricing work? Riding with a stranger is bit concerning. How do you ensure trust and safety?
Rajdeep Siddhapura
@dheerajhere thanks for posting about our app! Our team (all ex-commuters ourselves) is really excited to announce Pilot to commuters who wants to reduce commute time and expenses. Great questions... How do we match people up? Passengers who need a ride, requests a ride using an Android application. They give their pickup and drop locations, selects time of travel and enters proposed fare. They can choose between cash or wallet payments. Pilots (2 wheeler owners) who wants to share their ride, can search for the passengers travelling along the same route. They can filter the ride requests by passenger’s gender, ratings, payment mode, minimum fare, detour and time. Once the pilot confirms a passenger, the passenger is notified. They can then contact each other and get more familiar.
Rajdeep Siddhapura
As for pricing, @dheerajhere, as passengers know their commute budget, we let passengers choose the ride fare. However the minimum ride fare is Rs. 20.
Rajdeep Siddhapura
Riding with a stranger is a bit concerning. How do you ensure trust and safety? @dheerajhere, we are very much concerned about our user’s safety. To ensure trust and safety: 1. Ride partners can view ratings and feedbacks of each other that they received from previous rides. 2. Corporate verification is a process that we use to verify employees of prestigious companies and students of reputed institutes. User shares the company/institute email which we verify by sending a mail. Corporate verified users develop trust among the Pilot community. 3. For female users, they can choose to travel with a female co-rider. 4. We also provide SOS feature that allows users to send an alert to the emergency contact through SMS in case of emergency. Emergency contact can see the ride route and track the current position from the link sent.
Ben Tossell
Is this strictly for motorbikes? I feel that there may be a lot more accidents and concerns for safety than in a car... How do you plan to address these?
Rajdeep Siddhapura
@bentossell I am glad you asked it. Most motorbike accidents occur on highways or high-speed roads where riders have no margin for errors. Since we are trying to solve traffic and commute problem, our users will be driving on busy roads at low and risk-free speeds. However, we will educate motorbike riders about road safety. Passengers will be able to insure their ride for a fraction of their ride costs. Why motorbikes? We chose motorbikes to tackle the traffic problems in countries like India (http://goo.gl/VUYN3g), where the number of vehicles on the roads needs to be reduced and car pooling is not a solution owing to the hassles associated with it and busy schedules of car owners. Facts about vehicle types in India: Sixteen million two-wheelers were sold in India in 2014, taking the number of two-wheelers on Indian roads to a whopping sixty million - 7 times more two-wheelers than cars.
Ben Tossell
@rajsid77 yeah understood... when I went to India (last year) I saw lots of minor accidents involving all sorts of vehicles... I think it may be a big issue that needs some real attention... especially when expanding to outside of India.