
Pikaso - Screenshot Twitter like a pro


Pikaso is a tool for creating clean and clutter-free shots of tweets. It's perfect for sharing tweets on Instagram.

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Which feature should I add next?
@nasser_hassani Thanks. Will add that very soon.
@ehsaniaa That's a nice idea. Thanks.
Jean-Luc Winkler
@soheilpro think of the next steps users are doing with the created image! Add share functionality (e.g. create a new tweet/post with it in different social networks) or hand the picture over to other services like (if technically possible).
@jean_luc_winkler Thanks for the great suggestions.
Stuart Bruce
@soheilpro Definitely Android app as this is neat, but it's so easy to Snip a screenshot on Windows, but mobile and iPad are much harder to do.
Hey! I created this tool for people who like to share their tweets on Instagram. It's much easier than manually taking screenshots and cropping them. And the generated image looks much more professional. I did most of the the coding last week at the airport and on the plane while traveling from Bali to Singapore and back 😁 Happy to hear your feedback and answer your questions.
Courtney Ruth
@soheilpro This is such a useful tool! Thank you for creating it. I look forward to sharing this with the content marketing community.
@courtneyruth That's awesome. Thank you :)
Jean-Luc Winkler
pretty nice! I would love to also see the images that have been uploaded to the tweet as well. In addition: Add a small text-input-field to the feedback function "Something wrong with the image" so that users can tell you what is wrong. Saves you a lot of time searching for it yourself and maybe users see things differently than you do. I nmy case: I have an emoji in my twitter name, that is not displayed as an emoji, whereas emojis in the textual section of the tweet are displayed correctly.
Jean-Luc Winkler
addition: add a favicon.ico so that an icon of your tool will be displayed in people bookmarks ;-)
@jean_luc_winkler Thanks man. I will fix them.
@jean_luc_winkler And thanks for the suggestions.
@jean_luc_winkler Both embedded images and emojis in names are supported now :)
Jean-Luc Winkler
@soheilpro Awesome! Loving the fast pace of development and the open ears for your users! Great job! :-)
Paolo Amoroso
An interesting tool but it doesn't show the images attached to tweets.
@amoroso Thanks. I'm aware of that. I will add support for that soon.
@amoroso The embedded images should work now.
Mike Bracco
Looks cool. I've played with @twimmage, which is a native iOS app, and does something similar. My personal use case would be for stories so I'd love to see vertical orientation. I'd pay for some method to automatically generate images of set specifications for every tweet/like/reply I make and provide the most frictionless way to get that image to my device photo library to be able to use on Instagram. Perhaps partnering with an app like @unfold_app (if they were able to offer integration). That way, a user could save multiple images at once and integrate other vertical images between images generated by this service to create whatever story/narrative they're looking to create.
@bracco Thanks Mike. I'll add support for story/vertical format very soon. Do you think a native mobile app will help you with what you described? or do you need something that can be completely automated?
Mike Bracco
@soheilpro 🙌 I think the mobile app is a great step in the right direction but the overarching challenge here, short of being integrated within Instagram (or whatever the distribution channel is), is the friction involved in app switching to create stories which are inherently about eliminating as much friction as possible and producing content on the fly (ignoring influencer/celeb outliers which have production teams). If the use case is profile posts and less stories, the friction is not as big of a challenge. At JibJab I actually experimented by buildling an app at JibJab Camera - This was early in Instagram stories evolution so their tooling and stickers was limited. Even still, the effort to app switch was just too great to gain traction. So it eventually evoled into GifGab -, which focused on iMessage distrubition channel, where the integration opportunity (extensions) involved less friction for the user. I'd suggest possibly exploring integrations with alternative distribution channels - perhaps email senders like Substack or Mailchimp and try to get traction that way vs traditional social network (API offer to select launch partner(s) like that first). If you do a native app, I'd suggest automatting a user's feed inside your app with a quick one tap copy image to clipboard mode that then automaticly deep links user into Instagram (or an app of the user's choosing). It's not widely known but if you deep link into IG with an image on our clipboard you get a one-tap add. Screenshot:
@bracco Thank you for the great insight Mike.
Mike Bracco
@soheilpro A creative approach to automatically get images to a users device would be to setup a Whatsapp bot that would automatically send users images or tweets based on the criteria the user set within your site (my likes/my tweets/etc..). Within Whatsapp, the user could simply make the chat setting automatically save images to device. Boom!
BackersBox (Patreon Alternative)
Great product! I have signed up.
@backersbox Thanks!
Matt Hakimi
this is dope. Easy content creation.
@matt_hakimi Thanks Matt :)
Sam Sabri
Would love to see the ability to include the tweet images/videos/gifs as well. Images are exported as ... images. But any tweets with gifs/videos can be turned into videos for Instagram. Cool tool!
@samsabri Images will be supported soon but videos and gifs are more challenging and require a bit of time to implement.
@samsabri Embedded images/videos/gifs are supported now. In case of videos and gifs, the first frame is displayed.
Dan Siepen
Wow this is an awesome product @soheilpro! Have already started using! Very cool :)
@dansiepen I'm very happy to hear that :)
David Tran
Congrats for the launch. Can you make it display the embedded image too?
@namtran_wd Yes, I'm working on that.
@namtran_wd The embedded images are displayed now, David.
I like the concept, but not a fan of having to sign into Twitter. Would you/are you considering simply allowing users to paste tweet URLs and generate that way rather than having to sign in? I’m sure there are tons of users who would have use for this but don’t want to sign in (or don’t have an account in the first place).
@hiramfromthechi Sign in with Twitter is required to prevent hitting Twitter API rate limits. Per app limits are around 1 request/second which is very low.
Иван Михайлов
Thank you, I will definitely use it
@coinmatics Thanks :)
Nils Siggurdsson
Very cool! I look forward to play with the API!
@casinobonustip Thanks! That's coming soon :)
Jens Lennartsson
Cool tool - but it is not showing the emojis in my name correctly :)
@jens_lennartsson Thanks :) Yes I'm aware of this issue. Will fix it soon.
@jens_lennartsson The emojis in names should render correctly now.
sree sreenivasan
About to download this. Good luck.
@sree Thanks :)
(((B.L. Ochman)))
This is very useful. thanks and looking forward to your updates.
@whatsnext Thanks :)
(((B.L. Ochman)))
@Soheilpro Was about to connect to Twitter and saw all the permission you were requesting and decided against using it.
@whatsnext I only ask for Read access. That's the minimum permission level that you can set for any app on Twitter. The other two are Read/Write and Read/Write/DM.
(((B.L. Ochman)))
@soheilpro here's what it said at Twitter, maybe you can change this? "This application will be able to: See Tweets from your timeline (including protected Tweets) as well as your Lists and collections. See your Twitter profile information and account settings. See accounts you follow, mute, and block. See your email address."
daniele burich
Absolutely perfect Twitter curator that helps marketing presentations tremendously. I was searching for a product like this for weeks.
@106degrees Happy to hear that Daniele :)
Cam Woodsum
This looks very handy! Thanks for building and sharing :)
@camwoodsum Happy to hear that :)
Martin Santon
What is great with an original screenshot is the Helvetica font. Doesn't look like you can get that, right? Probably because it's not a free web font or something. That makes it a pass for me, I think. Honestly that difficult to screenshot and send to phone.
@martinsanton Thanks for the feedback Martin. I will add support for more fonts and I'm already exploring ways to make it easier to share the generated image on Instagram.
@martinsanton I changed the font to Roboto which matches's font on Chrome in macOS.