Nico Bistolfi

Image Speed Test - Analyze your website & make it faster.


⏱️ Get a full analysis of your website performance
πŸ“‘ Monitor your website's metrics (monthly reports)
πŸ“² Compare your results between Mobile and Desktop
πŸ’‘ Get tips on how to move forward and optimize your website
πŸ•΅πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ Spy on your competitor's performance

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Nico Bistolfi
Hello Hunters! 🏹 I’m Nico, Founder at Piio; almost two years ago, we launched our first product at Product Hunt. We did great, and we even won a Golden Kitty Award. After much learning, iterations, and massive team effort, we manage to put this together β€” a brand new and insightful Image Speed Test. Something that started as a stand-alone script to analyze your website and improve it's performance, today is a complete product. You can use this tool for free to test any website and understand what actions you need to take to improve your performance. It doesn't matter if you are seeking to do it manually or using a service that's not ours, we are happy if we are helping you through the process. Give it a go and let us know what you think, we will keep improving the tool, your feedback is precious! (yeah I heard it in my mind too... my preciousπŸ’)
Vincent Jong
Comparing competitor performance is a whole new level of competitive insight
Nico Bistolfi
@vincegtd thanks! you can get monthly updated reports for free too
Benjamin Malartic-Ardange
Nice idea and great side project to boost your own Product, smart move!
Nico Bistolfi
@benj_malartic thanks, initially it was a part of our main product and it started to get a life of his own now. Now we are trying to spin it off mostly for education about web performance & content optimization.
Macarena Botta
Great tool! The monitor and compare features are awesome. Definitely I will continue using and apply your suggestions to make my website faster.You should try it too <3 <3 <3
Agus Dietrich
@macarena_botta Thanks Macarena! You can subscribe and we will email you a new report every month ;)
Joe Taylor
Awesome job, we'll check it out at touchbase!
Gonzalo Rosso
@joetaylorland thanks! 😸
Juan Cruz de la RΓΊa
Excellent work guys! As an e-commerce company it's a really helpful tool. I've already run a test and started to apply your suggestions. Congrats!
Gonzalo Rosso
@juan_cruz_de_la_rua1 thanks Juan Cruz! I'm glad you found it useful! Let me know if there's anything we can do to help.
Kristian Gerardsson
Great tool guys :) An improvement would be to detect background images (sprites in my case)
Nico Bistolfi
@frexuz already in our ToDo list πŸ’ͺ🏼
Pedro Brito del Pino
It lets me know exactly how could I outperfom competition in terms of performance
Agus Dietrich
@pedro_brito_del_pino Thanks Pedro ;)
Sarah Mooney
Very cool idea, thanks!
Agus Dietrich
@sarahthemarketer thanks Sarah! 😸
jjsamsung goye
very fast
Nico Bistolfi
@jjsamsung_goye we are looking at our autoscaling, it's working but not as fast as we would like to
Santiago GarcΓ­a Da Rosa
Excellent tool, super insightful, works fast and super nice UI/UX... well done Nico and team.
Mauricio Etcheverry
Ouch! It hurted to run this amazing tool in our site.. I think we have work to do :)
Nico Bistolfi
@mauricio_etcheverry let us know if there's something we can do to help :)
Ruban Rajendran
This is super useful, especially with my current project. I've been using lighthouse, which has been great, but I'm getting other suggestions with this tool that take optimization one step further. I also really love that your suggest image optimization, and also provide the image to be downloaded. Great touch!
Gonzalo Rosso
@rubanraj thanks Ruban! I'm glad you found it useful!
Kevin Natanzon
Congrats Nico!
Douglas Franklin
Just gave it a try and it looks like we have some work to do on our site. Really insightful tool. I loved the fun facts during the scan, and it showed our page in real time while doing the scan. Nice touch! Congrats Nico!
Nico Bistolfi
@douglas_franklin I'm glad you found it useful! Let me know if there's anything we can do to help
I would have loved to use your tool but I'm mostly using Webflow for my different projects, and they don't allow Webp images. Maybe one day! Wish you the best!
Nico Bistolfi
@opourquier do you have access to modify your HTML?
Nico Bistolfi
@opourquier Hi Olivier, I found a way that you can edit your HTML and try our tool. Is probably not as efficient as it is for React or Vue because we have dedicated libraries, but it's something. Let me know if you want us to give you a hand with that.
Hey @nicolasbistolfi! Thanks for taking the time to check my issue! You should post a tutorial on the Webflow forum (or elsewhere) to explain how your tool could be implemented in Webflow! It could interest a lot of people.
Maggie Giuria
Loved the product. I'm the selfmade webmaster of my startup and this has definetly given me awesome insights. Would def recommend.
Nico Bistolfi
Do you use WebP on your website?
Nico Bistolfi
For those who are wondering what WebP is ->
Godstime Ukado
Let me test that of
Juho S
Will definitely embed this into my workflow for the next website projects coming up + Could you still clearly elaborate on the site to what extent WebP is supported by the most common browsers and if safari is not supported, what is a quick code to showcase Safari users to access the site through their chrome app + Definitely will sign up for Piia trial, but you could explain a bit before registration what makes it special + For the page speed test you could consider adding segment about videos: "Consider hosting videos on X platform for increase in speed and first impression" I for one checked different solutions for a project (hosting from server, didn't like youtube player for the ads) and ended up taking vimeo plus (piracy protection, professional minimalistic player etc.)