Ramil Bakhishli

Uptime - Watch YouTube videos with friends, made by Googlers


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Does anyone has invite code? *Updated: here is the code "PIZZA" Thanks to @bentossell
Ben Tossell
@tuanh_beu "PIZZA" - according to the article
Lyondhür Picciarelli
I really REALLY do not like the user interface.
Ming Ma
@lyondhur I think the design is towards a younger crowd. I wonder If people enjoy chatting while watching the video. Why don't you like the UI?
Tom Johnson
@lyondhur I disagree, but it is a little on the over-saturated busy side, to be sure. That being said, the onboarding is 🔥 .
Lyondhür Picciarelli
@mingliangma that's the curious thing: people love to watch stuff and talk to friends while they do it (from millennials and back). The problem to be fixed is that the interface and the experience with which people do that is entirely different: they watch it on a big(ger) screen and chat/comment on the smartphones. Twitter? Personally, the UX feels more like it was designed to overwhelm than to solve a problem. It's so busy and with a humongous colour palette that it actually made me want to just close it. Added to the variety in profile pics and all it's different colours, it's a carnival. Too much. No enough real estate for the video itself, which falls to the background behind all the confusion. It's really cool that attempts are being made to tackle into this niche. However, less is more, almost always.
Lyondhür Picciarelli
@tomjohndesign Yes, I totally agree: onboarding is super easy. However, that's an UX obligation to modern apps presently; it has to be easy. But this app's core isn't about onboarding, but about facilitating chat while watching videos on YT. I strongly do not think "younger crowd" means clutter, overwhelm and confusion as far as User Experience goes. I don't get why this is always there. Whenever the UX is poor and confusing, "it's for the kids". When UX solves the problem, it solves it for any public. I don't get the strategy as well. YouTube is global, but the app isn't available in other countries. Anyway, personally, I can't see myself in any scenario where I can use Uptime.
Lyondhür Picciarelli
@mingliangma I heard many times YouTube-focused agencies and Devs sketching around this functionality. A lot of UX research (including other platforms) point to one important factor: if what you're watching has breaks/ads/commercials, this "might" have a place. Yet again, good luck breaking through Twitter here.. If the video is short(er), the user often prefers not to have their attention broken and they simply watch the video, swiftly engaging with their friends immediately after. 1/2 ...
@adithya @ramil_bakhishli Application developed by bunch of googlers doesn't mean its from Google. Many people just download by seeing the product is from Google. Please Change the name. cc : @rrhoover @producthunt @bentossell
Ben Tossell
@kumarece26 please do not accuse anyone of 'Spam'... I saw it was from the Google incubation program so added 'from Google' - I shall change it. But having context that its from Googlers actually can be a reason for people to check it out.
Ben Tossell
Google(rs) + YouTube attempting to not get left in the dust from the 'Snapchat-crowd' (read: anyone who has used a 'stories' product) Not available in the UK app store yet though 😒
Ben Tossell
@ovonhauske Yes I know
Kunal Bhatia
@bentossell I might as well not be in the US. "This app requires iOS 10 or higher." Time to upgrade my iPad. Kunal needs some Uptime! 😎
Daniel F.
Developer is listed as "Area 120," but you say this app is from Google? Explain?
Usama IV
Googlers love iOS more than Android. *Sigh*
Tom Johnson
@usamaiv It's not about love, it's about being way easier to build and being able to tap into a greater proportion of your target demographic.
Leo Kangin
Does anybody has invite code?
Daniel Noskin
Love the UX + UI! I'd recommend letting people add a social login other than Google. I get that this is made by Googlers, but at the same time it would be nice to get the network effects of my social friends rather than email friends.
Ryan Taylor
Eager Canucks this isn't available on 🇨🇦 Appstore, quel dommage.
Ming Ma
Would you see all these emoji, chat, user profile overlap with the video content as a distraction? If not, what value does it provide to the user?
James Thomas
what about supporting other services instead of JUST youtube? Liyo is best in class IMO. supports live streaming of youtube, spotify, soundCloud http://apple.co/2npbGgE
Tristan Isham
I like the app so far. I've been using it for a week (@tristan) but haven't got a chance to really see it shine without more users! I'm excited to see all of your smiling faces on it soon! Other code(s) SUNNY , ICECREAM https://twitter.com/uptimeApp
Alamo aka 狐狸
Just like Chinese video website bilibili.com
Emanuele Ricci
Isn't strange that this experiments get released on iOS before than Android even from google?
ahhhhhhh this is awesome!!! I've been exploring different ways to create "collaborative watching" experiences and this is pretty great. It's fast and fun. Wow, I hope it's as fun with my friends.
Joshua Dance
App only fyi. (I usually only watch videos on a computer)
fun little app. annoying you can't turn it horizontal and chat.
Florian De Sa
Great idea ! UX is to be worked on a bit still
Miguel Martinez
This is a fun little app! Who doesn't like to watch cats together with friends? We have an awesome application which is similar in concept, but with music! https://www.producthunt.com/post... Great job by the way! :)
Marco Paglia

Ping me in private in if you want to know more :)


Super fun watching videos together


Not android app yet