Jack Smith

Cold Email Generator - Quickly create a 5-touchpoint email campaign


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Casey Thomas
Thanks @_jacksmith, this was actually built by @ryankulp. Ryan, want to explain how/why you came up with this for PersistIQ?
Ryan Kulp
@caseypthomas @_jacksmith thanks guys. I'm a huge proponent of cold email, particularly because it helps companies grow *without permission.* From early stage to IPO, cold email done right is the summation of great marketing -- finding the right audience, and sharing with them the right message. So when cold email gets a bad reputation, it isn't because the channel is ineffective. It's because the campaign manager didn't email the right audience, or use the right message. PersistIQ's new Cold Email Generator seeks to solve the latter, with custom templates that have been proven successful by their customers and internal team.
Brandon Redlinger
@ryanckulp you did a killer job helping us with the Cold Email Generator. Stoked to see that it's being well received!
David Carpe
@ryanckulp isn't "custom template" an oxymoron?
Ryan Kulp
@passingnotes Perhaps the better verb tense is "customizable templates." :)
noah rosenberg
@ryanckulp @caseypthomas @_jacksmith doesn't cold email get a bad reputation because it's done without permission?
Great job Persist on a beautiful tool! These templates however are all going to see pretty drastic stat decreases in a month or so. Don't forget to customize heavily (50% - 70%) and don't just copy/paste. Persist as a platform is a awesome way to do that at scale.
Brandon Redlinger
@getbrandflakes Good point. Whenever someone comes out with the best email templates, then others in the industry start to use then, rendering them less effective. I'd give it a little more than a month tho. And we'll be adding new templates as we find what works. We're always testing new things. Glad you found this useful!
Daniel Fitzpatrick
@brandon_lee_09 @getbrandflakes I agree with more than a month. Hopefully, most people try to customize a bit, as well
Dan-ya Shwartz
this is beautiful and useful.
Jack Smith
h/t to @CaseyPThomas for the suggestion
Daniel Fitzpatrick
Any plans for adding other personas? i.e. Small business owners?
Pouyan Salehi
@dancyfits Yes, we'll be adding additional personas and more templates soon. This is just the beginning.
Gabriela Hromis
These sound so stilted and impersonal, exactly the type of email that screams (imagine this in robot voice): I am just a salesman here....I'll spam you again and again and again....
Brandon Redlinger
@ghromis Some templates may seem "pushy" others may seem "salesy" while others may seem "soft." But the bottom line is they work, and you can't argue with results. That said, they've been tested across different industries and are targeted for different buyer persona, so you'll have to use some discretion when putting to use. Know your buyers. Also, when you fill in the variables, that's how you make if feel personal. That's mainly your job; this is just a tool to make the process quicker, easier and scalable.
JP Boily
I looked briefly and it seems like a bunch of really good templates for cold emails! I guess you tested what works and what doesn't work and you came up with this? Can you give us some background on how PersistIQ came up with those specifically? Cheers!
Ryan Kulp
@jipiboily Hey @Brandon_Lee_09, wanna take a crack at this?
Brandon Redlinger
@ryanckulp Thanks. Hi @jipiboily, yes exactly. These are emails that we (the PersistIQ team and our friends and colleagues) have tested and proven to get results. Glad you found it useful!
ganesh arulanantham
Pretty useful for anyone who gives a first try on! Sending a template email. If this is part of Gmail compose! with placeholders using your google contact. It is a great product.
This is good. We had recently put up a stall at a trade show, so tried with these series of emails to 5 leads and the results are good. :)
Tayler O'Dea
This is really exciting! Just think if there was a way to then send the actual email to multiple names, multiple emails, ect. I know so spamy...
Brandon Redlinger
@tayler2412 Glad you found this free tool by PersistIQ useful! There's actually a really easy way to take these templates, merge your variables (name, email, company, etc), and send. That's what PersistIQ does! ;)
Nik Sharma
LOVE THIS. I use outreach.io quite a bit for outreach and so something like this that can work in parallel is beautiful. Thank you guys!
Isabel Rotton
I have just tried this service. It can definitely higher my company efficiency!
Gabe Villamizar
This is pretty sick.
Would be good if option/template included for small eCommerce business.