Chris Messina

Pep - Turn your site into a fast, installable Progressive Web App

Top Hunter

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are cutting-edge websites that behave like native apps. They're installable, fast, work offline, and open in their own native window.
Pep turns your existing website into a PWA in one line of code.

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Ansgar Grunseid
Hi hunters! We're Eric, Ben, Jon, and Ansgar. 👋 It's awesome to finally launch! 🎉 We built Pep because Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are the future. They're next generation websites that load quickly, work offline, and can be installed like native apps. But they can be a lot of work. And hard to get right. Pep solves that. It turns your existing website into a fast, installable PWA in one line of code. Twitter, Pinterest, and Forbes use PWAs to improve engagement, revenue, and conversions. They worked hard to build their PWAs. Pep builds yours for you. Give it a try. It's free to start! And we'd love to hear your thoughts; feedback is how good products become great. And a *huge* thank you Chris Messina for hunting us! ❤️
Rey Riel
Going through the list of things to do to make your site PWA is always annoying, amazing to see a one liner to get this done!
Ansgar Grunseid
@rjriel87 Thank you, Rey! 🍻
Andrew Morton
Your product seems amazing, but I love more your Gif Thumbnail 😂
Ansgar Grunseid
@andrew__morton Ha. Thank you. That's @benwhittle and his magic and sorcery. 🎉
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
PWAs are all the rage it seems...! Super cool to see a company form around the opportunity of turning the web into a performant platform for building mainstream apps!
George Pagan III
This seems really helpful. Does it work well with gated content behind a membership?
Ansgar Grunseid
@fitletes Hey George! Absolutely. You can add Pep behind authorization or membership to create a PWA just for authorized users. Just add Pep's script tag only to pages for authorized users. If you have any questions, please email us at 🙌
Bogdan Ionita
The value proposition is just awesome, one line to fix a request that's bugging some types of customers. Congrats on the launch!
Ansgar Grunseid
@bogdan_ionita Thank you, Bogdan! Let us know your thoughts at Feedback is how good products become great.
Jurij @ Varstatt
Nice idea to move everything into single script. Congrats on launch!
Ansgar Grunseid
@jurijtokarski Thank you, Jurij! 🎉
Oleh Hriaznov
Love the simplicity, guys! Well done.
Ansgar Grunseid
@oleh_hriaznov Thank you, Oleh! Let us know what you think; feedback is how good products become great.
Kish Parikh
This is amazing! Would it be possible to do this with a Webflow website?
Ansgar Grunseid
@kish_parikh Absolutely. To use Pep, all you need is add a script tag to your site and Pep's Service Worker. Both possible with Webflow!
Kish Parikh
@ansgar Really glad to hear that, I don't really understand how the Service Worker works so I am emailing your team :) Thanks Ansgar, keep up the great work
Franco Vargas Golac
@ansgar how do you upload a service worker file to Webflow? it is not possible to upload a JS file, please advice if you found a way.
Nazim @Koinju
Pretty cool, it seems really easy to use. Thanks for sharing !