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Marshall Haas

The Peel Touch Tool — Open doors & press buttons without touching them

The hook & pointer enables you to open doors, press buttons, and checkout without touching shared surfaces. It's cut from a solid piece of brass, which is naturally antimicrobial. It goes on your keychain so you always have it with you.
Paweł Opydo
So… it's just a small metal hook that somehow costs $35? It is not *clever* in any way, it has no built-in flashlight, nor will it work with the touch screen.… It's just a small metal hook. For $35. Well…
Eric Lammertsma
@popydo Think I'll just design one in 5 minutes and print it. $35 for a hook is nuts. Profiting from a crisis...
Ross Currie
@popydo Yeah but it's antimicrobial, you see, which um, won't help against a virus?
Marshall Haas
@popydo it's priced at $35 because it's machined from a solid piece of brass.
Paweł Opydo
@marshal amazing, does it come with a display case included?
Joshua Dance
What about cross contamination? You touch the door which has germs. Now hook has germs. Put hook back in your pocket where it touches your keys, your pocket, your wallet etc?
Seth Louey
Technically, this is classified as a “composite brass knuckle” under the California penal code 12020. And thanks to California communist laws, this Product Hunt launch is actually illegal under California penal code 12020.5. 🤷‍♂️
Seth Louey
However, if this is manufactured in Texas, it is legal. But the PH launch and ownership in select states is still illegal. (Know your laws before you buy one)
dennis hegstad
love it! just don't open a door with corina virus on the surface and then use the bottle opener to drink and catch the rona. the product looks great none the less. +1
Marshall Haas
@dennishegstad hah yeah - the story on the bottle opener is for something to look forward to later after the pandemic.
Marshall Haas
Hey PH! When the pandemic hit, we got to work on an idea that solves a problem everyone has... avoiding germs when out in public. The Peel Touch Tool is what we came up with: - Open doors & press buttons without having to touch them with your hands. - Made from a solid piece of brass, which is naturally antimicrobial. - Designed for your keychain so you always have it with you. - We included a subtle bottle opener so you can look forward to future celebrations! Some have asked about round door knobs -- luckily those aren't ADA compliant, so you shouldn't see those out in public or commercial spaces. We're in production now and going as fast as possible to get these out to customers!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
I wish this had been called Captain Hook.
Marshall Haas
@chrismessina @jmarcowelker haha thought about including this gif on the product page
Brian Roach
Very cool! !maker we're your parents Cal / USC business students by chance?? Your
Marshall Haas
@itsbrex hah nope. I wish I was related to the HAAS F1 team!
Erik Richter
I don't get it..."Here's a tool to touch everything you don't want to touch for fear of germs." "We'll also put a bottle opener on it so you can use the dirty tool to open stuff your mouth touches."
Joey Gidseg
This is great! It would be even more helpful for me personally if it could open doorknobs like this Why? Because, some people may live with others who don’t wash their hands. I currently use the bottom of my shirt to open these doorknobs. All of them. And to turn on the stove. I think this could work for one of the faucets, but not the one with knobs.
Nick O'Neill
Does this work on touch screens?
Marshall Haas
@allnick it should, but I want to triple check one off the production line before I tout that as a feature. I should have a production version in my hands shortly.
Tyler Austin Johnson
@allnick @marshal any update here? Want to order one but need to make sure it’ll work on self checkout capacitive touch screens.
Renato Ricci
Good branding on a tight budget! Respect the hustle, next product; a silicone knuckle patch? Good synergies with your cases :) Good luck product on fulfillment!
Rhett Butler
Can a flat head screw driver and rope cutter be added as well?
Harry Mylonadis
Great idea, sadly too expensive. $35 plus shipping and eventually +Duties (in Europe) because of the high price
John Lim
What is the advantage of using this vs. pressing with another key on your chain?
Web Smith
I saw this and purchased two immediately.
Marshall Haas
@web thanks for the support!
Stuart Arsenault
Congratulations @marshal! This is ridiculously quick work.
Nathan Barry
Great idea!
Marshall Haas
@nathanbarry Thanks Nathan!
Derck Hoogeboom
Super smart and clever tooling but wont buy because seems a bit overpriced for a bottle opener..
Harrison Kugler
love the concept, seems overpriced, would love to see a percentage of sales donated or something
Does this protect against COVID-19?